plfeery Member


  • Ditto, I have used it added to my stir fry veggies and it is great! Love it!
  • I watch my sodium very carefully due to Meneire's disease. Most people who watch their sodium is due to some sort of illness and dietary restrictions. However in researching low/no sodium recipes and diets most people should watch it more than they do cuz our society as a whole eat foods that have waaaaay too much sodium…
    in Sodium? Comment by plfeery July 2012
  • thanks for the help, I was only a lb away from my goal but since I am so close I decided to try and lose 5 more so got 6 lbs to go!
  • well, I got 19 min on a rower yesterday. This is the only exercise equipment I have right now. It made me dizzy but I made it thru. Will try again today. I am determined not to look like a 52+ yr old and get my health in better shape.
  • by the way new to this, how do you "join" this group or topic?
  • I looked at 100 lunges a day?????? I can barely do 10 and I hurt for days. My goal is to exercise daily, just some. Suffer vertigo badly and have been dizzy most of may. Still losing weight but not getting in the exercise. Every time I want to exercise I seem to be dizzy. I set a goal for 20min a day but have failed. I am…
  • I have dieted before and lost weight for me a significant amount as I am a small person, but lost 30lbs just dieting. However this time I have lost 15lbs in only 6 weeks, am totally watching my calories but also added exercise to my routine for first time in 20years! I have lost more weight in less time and the loss shows…
  • I home schooled my children thru their elementary grades until junior high. I always gave my kids the choice of what they wanted each year as the school started and if they chose to stay home they knew it would be for the entire school year no matter what. No stopping in the middle. We did outside activities which included…
  • I have to agree on the cheese on salad instead of dressings. I started doing that too and I am ok on my salads they still have taste. I also make homemade pico de gallo?sp? and it has no salt so I put it on salads too for more flavor. I hate milk and yogurts so the only dairy I get is cheese so I do eat it but watch my…
  • thanks for all the advice. Yes, I am noticing finally that it's not so bad not having salt and I read all labels diligently and use mostly fresh of everything. Thanks for the spice websites that is one I have struggled finding things like taco and chili seasonings etc. Thanks so much!
  • sadly yes, if I go over I get extreme vertigo and have suffered for past 3yrs with almost constant dizziness and without salt I have been dizzy free for about past month. It took 6 mo of learning how to cut back before I finally started to see some success. Now I am diligent about not going over as I can't stand the…
  • I have Meneire's Disease, have to go as low as possible to keep from having bad vertigo. I am supposed to stay below 1000 mg a day and closer to 500mg which is really tough to do as everything has sodium in it