

  • Is your skin oily? Mine is and I still get minor breakouts in my 40s. It just runs in the family. I stopped using foundation at all at about 17 and that helped a lot. I never found one that was good for oily skin. On the other hand, I don't have the wrinkles I should for my age. Swings and roundabouts really. Dry skin…
    in ACNE Comment by jenrome April 2013
  • It bothers you because you are a nice person and don't like being thought of that way but her reaction might have been one of embarrassment in the moment and she may even have gone home feeling bad about her overaction. You can't always explain your intensions at the time if people aren't receptive. Irritating but let it…
  • My auntie is Thai and was over to visit when I was 14 (sensitive age). Her comment was, "Wow, you are getting so big. Your butt is almost as big as your mom's." Definitely cultural but try explaining that to a crushed 14 year old:)
  • London here but went to Madeira then Cascais/Lisbon a few years ago and those little custards you do are the most beautiful thing on the planet:) Oh, the scenery is nice as well and walking earns more calories for more custards:)
  • To the original poster, I think you let your frustration get the best of you and perhaps your post has come off sounding a bit harsher than it was meant. Equally, the answers here carry a lot more sarcasm and gentle humour than you might realize. The healthy way to lose weight is slowly and steadily and that's the advice…
  • When I first started calorie counting and lost 2 1/2 stone (just saying so you know it worked till I stopped and crept back up a bit) I obsessed over the tiniest difference in this brand over that and got knocked into place by a rather gruff older lady who'd lost something like 150 lbs and was then running marathons.…
  • I have to say that this is the last place I lose and I wish they would go down a bit I've just gone from a 32 G to a 32 GG and that is as real as mildly fibriotic breasts get. No bargain bras to be had at that size. No backless dresses or cute little spaghetti straps and no sports bra in existance that allows me to run.…