I have a hard time getting home from work, without giving into the siren songs of one of the many drive thrus on my route. It does help if I have a drink with me. A tall glass of water helps me keep my cravings in check. Also a light snack to nibble along the way. A few plain almonds, or a 100 cal pack of something snacky,…
Welcome! I hope you enjoy it here. I lived in Chiba for 1 year and Tochigi for 4 years.
Congratulations! That sounds really exciting. Keep up the great work.
I've had some fun times with Sexy Japanese Waiters. And that was when I was a size 20, if that matters at all. If he was being judgey than be-gone with him. This world is full of Sexy Waiters (and individuals with other jobs). Many of whom are sure to appreciate your charms. Perhaps he was a Sexy-Yet-Awkward Chinese…