

  • FUN!!! 1. Where were you born? London 2. Where do you live at the moment? London 3. Where else have you lived? I've always lived in London 4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation? I'm the manager of a ticket printing and wristband supplier. My dream job would be to go back to doing what I'm…
  • INSPIRING!!! I started lifting weights for the first time in my life last October. I love it more than I ever could have guessed and I think I love my new muscles even more. This is a great story for me to read. Well done! Brilliant. :bigsmile:
  • Totally normal and it SUCKS! It is the cruellest thing. I was 17 when I first lost a load of weight, I became very ...boney for want of a better word! I was underweight for my height and yet, I only saw a fat lump in the mirror. I wore baggy clothes to cover up my 'bulges of fat'. Looking back, I could kick myself. Left…
  • Ohhhhh.... I know this feeling so well, unfortunately. The sad fact is that your old routine has gone and yep, you do need to find a new routine, however tired you are. That for me is the hardest part but I get by knowing that however tired I was before, I will still feel great after a workout. The prospect of a new…
  • Don't give up! I'm aware that I'm hardly the voice of experience as I just joined on Monday and logged my first proper day yesterday. I'm on a fairly strict diet and was shocked to see I went over my protein limit via one very small chicken leg. I am sure I will just be repeating other people here, but I think using this…
  • NICE! Can't wait!
  • I generally don't eat after I have had dinner but that is mainly because I am terrible for eating late; I'm not really one for snacking between meals. My exercise is good, but the way I look after myself is pretty awful. Late dinners, very late nights/mornings, early starts and so the cycle continues. I am very aware that…
  • @ Lissakaye81 Wonderful recipe! I can't wait to give it a try, thanks!
  • I have never heard of these things, what a great idea! I'm going to search of those ASAP. I'm already on the brown carbs so that is a good thing. I do like sweet potato and squash as well. Thanks for the tips!
  • The 'shirataki noodles' boom is quite new to me. The majority of my diet (not 'diet' but daily eats) is Japanese and I have been eating these noodles and my beloved konnyaku for years I didn't realise they were so popular for dieters across the world. I understand the texture can be hard to handle for some people, but the…
  • I lost a tonne of weight with Slimming World back when I was 18 and became very skinny indeed, however, when you stop the diet plan the weight gain is often rapid. I have seen this happen with several friends who lost weight with it, (including myself and my father). I think if you do it properly and are looking for a…
    in PASTA! Comment by DeadNatchan April 2012
  • That is great! I'm looking forward to logging my meals etc. I really hope it will keep me on track. My worst habit is skipping meals and then loading up on carbs to make up for it. I guess there is no getting away with that if I want to use this properly! :laugh:
  • Ah thank you! I shall add you back now! Toast at midnight, with Marmite... Argh, must stop! Lol!