

  • Not really, its a "theory". The argument is your body takes more calories to burn them than they contain, but the argument against is that the calories on the packaging already take this into account and the calories stated are what you get AFTER digestion. When you google it you find as many arguments for as against.…
  • Pretty much everything..... I have to be very careful when shopping :)
  • I think most of the thing I had in mind have been mentioned such as celery (yuk). You could try slicing some fruit, you dont have to eat a whole apple, just a few slices can sometimes take away the hunger edge. I sometimes find sucking on a sugar free mint works, 9 times out of 10 im not really hungry, I just think I am :)
  • you can get some small dumbells from sports shops such as sports direct which you can do toning exercises with. They are usually very cheap. Alternatively you can buy resistance bands on ebay which are even cheaper and are great for working out in the house and usually they come in packs with varying sizes.
  • There could be a lot of reasons why your not losing anything. Have you been dieting a long time and reached a plateau? Have you started working out hard enough so that your currently building mass in your muscles? What is your calorie intake at present?
  • I wouldnt worry too much about the nausea, I used to get it after workouts and it wasnt until I got my fitness level up that it stopped. Also making sure your not working out on an empty stomach (dont stuff yourself beforehand either!!) or after a strong coffee will certainly help. It wouldnt hurt to seek medical advice,…
  • Some will say it doesnt matter how fast you travel, its all about distance. Ie. a jogger will burn the same amount of calories as a walker over a mile, only the jogger will do it faster. I usually do a lot of cycling or running but when the weather is bad the only excercise I do is walking the dogs for a couple of mile and…