

  • Hi Jackie & my fellow 100lb + to lose team mates!! Let's go ... i'm down 20lbs so far and my goal is 150 lbs by August 2014! We can achieve this by supporting each other on this journey - COUNT ME IN :):wink:
  • Good morning!! :smile: I will be 39 in January and I am determined to be at least 50lbs lighter by then ... my goal is to be 100 lbs lighter by June 2014. I actually started with MyFitnessPal April 2012, quit about a month in and then just re-started this June. I am proud to say that I am now in week #7 and down 19.4lbs…
  • Good morning:smile: Please add me to your friend list! We all need motivation anyway we can get it LOL!! I am in week 7 now, down 19.4lbs and it hasn't been easy, but is getting easier than it was in week 1-3. I say that to say this, every day is a challenge to do the right thing, but each day that passes it will get…
  • That was a good question & thanks everybody for your comments :)
  • Good morning! I experienced this before and what i've discovered is I retain a lot of "water weight" which comes from too much sodium/salt in my diet. Meaning although I was well within my calorie count for the day with moderate exercise, I wasn't losing. Also, be sure to get your 64 oz or 8 cups of water DAILY ... this…