

  • Everyday this week... 70-90 minutes mixed cardio/strength. I've been mixing up taebo and mixed cardio workouts. Average daily calorie burn as been around 700 calories.
  • Ahh... A kindred spirit!! Yes we all want to feel better and be healthier... but isn't the way we look in a Swim Suit really and truely the BIGGEST motivator EVER!! LOL! I bought a new bright green bikini several weeks ago and that is my inspiration!!! I refuse to even try it on right now because when I do, I want to ROCK…
  • It had never occured to me to check you tube for exercise videos! Great Tip!!! I've got several dvd's and videos and I get BORED with them. After reading this, I went on you tube and found tons of new stuff to choose from!!!! GREAT IDEA!!
  • I totally agree with never realizing how many calories one eats in a day on a normal basis. Even when I go over my calories, the food diary has been a great help in at least keeping it real! It's so much easier to say no to a certain food when you've got to be accountable for it!!! It also helps in making better choices.…
  • 90 minutes combination cardio/kickboxing/circuit training = 724 calories burned
    in Cardio Comment by Culanow March 2013
  • I definately do not think you should feel like a slacker!!! You are here with all of us and your doing something!!! Thats is a start! No one ever goes from a sedintary life to being active and fit overnight... its a process!!! And its as much a mental challange as as physical challange. I for one have been very guilty of…
  • I can do that!! It will certainly make cranking up the exercise even easier if I feel like I can enjoy my life without guilt! It's Awsome that you get the necessity of LIVING while trying to get back in shape and lose weight!!
  • My diet... wow... that's a loaded subject! LOL... I am pretty good with food. I do not crave or even want sweets, so that's not an issue. I eat a lean cuisine meal at lunch. I drink at least 8 bottles of water a day. And thru the week, I eat a sandwich and soup for supper or something equally low cal. My Problems!! 1. Beer…
  • I just started working out again this week. Several years ago I was VERY into running and working out. I have 5 half-marathons under my belt, and 18 mile trail run and various other runs. AND I was working out at the gym for an hour and a half a day. I reached complete burnout and just stopped. The last couple of years,…
  • My name is Cheri. It looks like Im a few weeks behind joining this but.... My starting weight was 138lbs. My current Weight is 134lbs. My ultimate goal weight is 115lbs. But for the time frame we are working with, I'd be happy with being 120lbs.
  • Im definately in for some help! I'm 5' tall and am having more problems dropping weight than I have ever had. I am currently 134lbs and want to drop at least 10-15lbs before lake season. I used to run and workout alot, but I stopped. Summer is looming and we practically live on a pontoon in bikini's all summer long. That…
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