Tyree985 Member


  • No, people know the difference between bulling and a simple difference of opinion. The rudeness and downright meanness expressed on this site baffles me. I cannot understand why people so against diet pills read then post comment after comment about how terrible they are, how lazy that person is, don't listen to your dumb…
  • Yay more bullying!
  • To answer your question yes you will lose weight in 3 weeks if the estimation of 1K calories a day is accurate. 21 days of eating so few calories will not kill you for goodness sakes. If you greatly reduce your carbs you will have better results. Both methods sucks and you probably won't maintain it which wasn't even your…
  • I've used my Fitbit for over a year and I love it! I wear it just about everyday to try and get my butt up and move.
  • Thanks for your response. I'm going to keep doing what's working and leave the rest for the hardcore fitness folks.
  • Wow that was too much of a perfect answer for you to be married. Do you want to mentor my husband LOL.
  • Not mine! My husband encourages me to the point where I want to say geez you really act like I'm big as a house! Like most husband's it takes him forever to complete a task that I ask like wash the dishes. Yet when we have to move the exercise equipment from our exercise room to the family room (I like to watch TV while on…
  • I found success while on Atkins and I lost around 15 pounds during induction. I gained the weight back (so maybe not so successful)after I stopped because I found it difficult to maintain low carb. You are supposed to gradually add back carbs until you reach the appropriate level where you are still losing but do not have…
  • Don't read them then! If you see a forum asking if anyone has tried this or that skip it. There are more than enough threads for you to read. There is simply no reason for anyone to be so rude. There is nothing wrong with saying I don't agree with taking supplements blah blah blah but to mock and put down anyone is…
  • For some reason this happens and it's the reason I rarely ever tell anyone that I'm on a diet or trying to eat better. I think it's difficult for a person to see someone attempting to be healthy when they know they should to if they are overweight/unhealthy. If you slip up and give in it makes them feel a little bit better…
  • Why is this even necessary?? Just don't respond to this post look for something to respond to where you can be supportive or at least not annoying.
  • I normally stay away from the message boards on this site because if you are not doing the same weight loss routine as the majority these people will rip you apart and they feel very justified in doing so. I just started taking them last week and I haven't had any serious problems so far. I have to take them right when I…
  • I purchased a heart rate monitor because the calories burned were so off. They both were off by at least 100 calories.
  • I agree a 100%!!!!!!!!!!
  • I'm just starting week 2 today. I feel like giving up everytime but I've managed to make it through. The feeling I have when I complete a workout is wonderful. I have gained 4 pounds though so I'm hoping that won't continue if it does I may decide to quit.
    in Insanity Comment by Tyree985 April 2013
  • I'm starting tomorrow! I'm so excited but extremely nervous
  • I've been married for 5 years and I adore my husband. We have the best relationship.
  • I had the Mirena IUD for 2 years just had it removed a few months back. I had ZERO problems with it best BC in my opinion.
  • Heck yea! :laugh:
  • Yup sounds like WW won't work for you then because its time consuming. If you can't keep track of points or calories though sounds like the problem is in motivation. I have a fitbit and I love it. Look into it, it may just be your solution, but you still need motivation. Good Luck
  • I literally very recently just switched from WW to MFP. I lost weight weekly doing WW but counting points was so irritating and I found keeping track of calories was simpler. Trying to figure out the points when I was cooking at home was just too time consuming. WW does work and it taught me portion control but I just…