

  • Yoplait light yogurt, Glass of low sodium V8 with about 8 whole wheat Crackers, Light Frigo Cheese stick with a piece of fruit, Celery with PB, Hummus on a 100 Cal Pita bread slice, Carrots and PB or Hummus, Banana, Protein bar, just a few of my snacks of choice!
  • I pair nuts with fruits, like Cashews (or almonds) with raisins, Humus with pita chips, Cottage Cheese Doubles, Cutie Oranges with string cheese.. yummy
  • I made a Veggie Stir Fry with Zuccini, Yellow Squash, Red and Green Peppers (mostly Red), Onion, Steak, Pine Nuts and Gluten Free Terriyaki Sauce. My Hubby loved it!
  • I did that yesterday, only it was cookies.. so today I'm trying to be more careful. I think it's something that will happen off and on to everyone. I did find a nutritious snack that i liked that had some chocolate in it. Next time you're craving chocolate, have a Rice Cracker (35 calories) with a Tablespoon of Nutella(100…