

  • Sometimes when I plateau with my weight it helps to increase my calories for a couple of days...I guess that's the idea behind the eat more weigh less thing. Also, increasing water and fiber or changing exercises may help...don't get discouraged! 12 pounds is a great loss!
  • Please feel free to add me! I am looking for supporters too. I am looking to add others like me who are there to support (not guilt trip) others. Always looking for interesting recipes and exercises too!
  • this looks awesome thanks!
  • Are you making your own vinegarettes?
  • Since your weight is already considered in the normal/healthy range, I would stay close to that and pay attention to your health, how you feel, your measurements (how you fit into your clothes). Also- good job getting to where you are now!
  • Sounds good. My goal is to change the foods that I crave/ have a taste for. I have "trained" myself to favor healthy (often raw or whole foods) foods over foods that are loaded with sugar and salt. I try to keep myself motivated by telling myself that I am not rewarding myself with comfort/junk food anymore. It is not a…
  • I'm not familiar with this diet, but I am interested in detoxing and eliminating processed foods. I go through periods where I eat very healthy and then fall of the wagon and resort to "comfort" foods. Can you explain the eating plan?
  • Don't be too hard on yourself. Plateau does not equal failure. Weight increases with more muscle mass. Look at your measurements. As far as impulse control with dieting, every person here probably has that problem! When I slip up, I try to remember and focus on whatever it was that motivated me to lose weight in the…
  • One pound of fat= 3500 calories. Assuming you are eating appropriately for your BMR a reduction of 500 calories a day would yield a one pound a week weight loss. So 6 months= about 24 pounds. For long term weight loss goals, it's helpful to me to track my measurements too. Weight loss can be deceiving on scales, sometimes…