I had some questions regarding my HRM's calorie burn calculations and I have found that others on the web think that Polar's calculation is about 30% on the high side. Tracking my exercise, calorie's and weight loss I have to agree with the +30%. If you then mix in some strength training you lose the ability to track with…
I had the opposite problem. I was taking a Beta blocker to slow down my heart rate for a high blood pressure problem. I talked to my doctor and he switched my medication to a Ace-Inhibitor. I would recommend that you talk to your doctor and let him know what your goals are and how you can meet them. I have found that there…
Like I had said it depends on what you are trying to do. Of course energy output equals calories burned but your body will pull energy from more than one source. (Azdak) I think you may want to state the part you’re leaving out. Fat burning takes time and the anaerobic (out dated name or not) threshold represent the point…
II appreciate the feedback it helps knowing I’m not the only one dealing with the psychology of seeing my weight bounce after maintaining my diet and exercise. I’ve increased my water intake to counter running a hydration deficit while maintaining a heavy workout schedule. Maybe this way I won’t see a weight spike after a…
My bad Anaerobic exercise is less than 70% of your max heart rate for fat burning. Guys: (220-age) * .70 Girls: (225-age) * .70
It depends on what you're trying to do. Look up Anaerobic exercise vs. aerobic exercise. If your looking to lose weight aerobic.
Outstanding Job! I've just started and it's good to see your success.
Buy it from Ebay you'll save allot. It all depends on what you want from it. I use mine for cycling and on my elliptical machine so I have a S710I older model but works great.