shakira1201 Member


  • Good luck on your journey! :)
  • I feel the same! I often daydream about the days I can wander around the house in shorts and a t-shirt and not constantly thst my sisters judging me. How much are you looking to lose?
  • Thanks for the support!, its much appreciated :) I think im going to stick with herbalife for the time being as so far its been the only thing ive tried that has helped to curb my appetite and improve my eating habits/portion sizes. Im not really looking for a quick fix, im looking for a lifestyle change, and this is…
  • Im in a very similar situation, and am also looking for support! Its so nice to see everyone on here so willing to support one another. Makes me feel even more motivated :D I have a similar problem as you regarding family. A majority of them I can talk to and they dont even think I need to lose weight, but I live with my…
  • Ive done a lot of research on herbalife as I was skeptical at first, after trying things like slim fast and failing. But since being on it I havent been anywhere near as hungry as I usually am. Im hungry 90% of my life and the other 10% im sleeping! Haha. In the short time ive been usingit, ive learnt about portion control…