Last resort! Need support!

This is 100% the last diet Im doing! I've been a yo-yo dieter for so many years now and have finally decided it has to stop!
If I dont lose weight now I never will.
Ive not long started using the herbalife products, and so far they seem to be working. I lost 2.8lbs in 3 days and my apetite has definitely curbed ! Fingers crossed it continues! Im feeling positive!

Looking for support and motivation from people going through their own weight loss journey, so please add me,
send a message me to reach my goals and ill happily do the same! :)


  • I feel the same way, Shakira. I don't know anything about Herballife, but I've tried all kinds of supplements and regimens. I think it comes down to portion control, and not looking to food to "bail me out" when I'm stressed, but that's just me. I'll definitely support you. I think being mindful of what you're eating can definitely help.
  • shakira1201
    shakira1201 Posts: 6 Member
    Ive done a lot of research on herbalife as I was skeptical at first, after trying things like slim fast and failing. But since being on it I havent been anywhere near as hungry as I usually am. Im hungry 90% of my life and the other 10% im sleeping! Haha.
    In the short time ive been usingit, ive learnt about portion control and the importance of drinking plenty of water. Before I would have portions twice the size I needed and only drank water in tea or juice.
    Now im cutting my portions by over half and drinking more water than I ever have!

    Hoping it continues, liking how im feeling at the moment.
    Thanks for the support :)
    What weight loss strategy are you using currently?
  • sadrithmora
    sadrithmora Posts: 121
    Welcome Shakira! I haven't tried Herballife but I did try to use other 'fix-me' additives and I have to say it didn't stick at all. Hoping it will work for you though! Just don't get discouraged by any possible set-backs (weight does fluctuate and it's a normal thing), just stick to it and it will work. Best of luck! You can do it!
  • joyma321
    joyma321 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Shakira
    You don't need quick fixes-they don't last and you'll get discouraged again. Try to figure out why you are eating what you eat and if you are overeating, why are you doing it. Once you get to the source, then you'll be successful long term.
    Best wishes on your weight loss journey!
  • shakira1201
    shakira1201 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the support!, its much appreciated :)

    I think im going to stick with herbalife for the time being as so far its been the only thing ive tried that has helped to curb my appetite and improve my eating habits/portion sizes.
    Im not really looking for a quick fix, im looking for a lifestyle change, and this is helping me to get there. Since being on it my energy levels are way up and ive started working out again, something I haven't done in years!

    Fingers crossed for me guys! ;)
  • sadrithmora
    sadrithmora Posts: 121
    Fingers crossed indeed! Good luck :)