

  • Not an issue that I have but I will say that it could be due to the natural gases certain foods give off, then get trapped in your digestive tract. I would say try and water based drink that will help calm your digestive system and flush out those toxins. Simplest recipe I've used is 1 1/2 liters of water, a cucumber…
  • Your snacking is due to your blood sugar levels being out of whack. I would suggest that you start eating 5 times a day (no more than 2 1/2 - 3 hours between meals...e.i. breakfast-a snack-lunch-a snack-dinner); increase the amount of protein (lean meats, chicken, fish, eggs, unsalted nuts, etc.) you eat daily while trying…
  • A general rule is to drink a liter per every 60 pounds of weight, with a minimum of 2.5-3 liters a day. Your urine should be clear yellow or will be VERY bright if you are taking multivitamins (it should NEVER look like beer or apple cider dark....sign of dehydration or something more serious). I play mind games with…