where to start

Hi guys. Me and my girl want to lose a little weight. I'm looking to lose 2st and she wants to drop about a st.

I am 15st 5ft 7" never really cared for BMI. I'm 26. I am a butcher lifting heavy stuff all day and always on the go. 13 years at martial arts 3 Dan black belt. My biggest problem is snacking. At the wrong time.

I am now using the fitness app and wondering if I stay under my caloire count and maintain good balance of food, water and exercise I will lose weight?

I have also started eating porridge in the morning is this good?

What is the best way to lose the weight. I'm not after a quick fix. I like my grub far to much for me to really try a major quick diet.

Help and advice wanted.


  • Your snacking is due to your blood sugar levels being out of whack. I would suggest that you start eating 5 times a day (no more than 2 1/2 - 3 hours between meals...e.i. breakfast-a snack-lunch-a snack-dinner); increase the amount of protein (lean meats, chicken, fish, eggs, unsalted nuts, etc.) you eat daily while trying to eat some with every meal; make lunch your heaviest meal so you'll have the most time to digest it without worrying about sleeping on heavy food in your system; increase your carbohydrates in the form of fresh fruit to get your blood sugar levels going better; drink loads of water (1 liter per every 60 pounds with a minimum of 2.5-3 liter a day); if you are eating porridge for breakfast and need to add extra add a brown sugar or fresh berries and a tbsp of flaxseed oil (a healthy source of a unsaturated fatty acid); add boilded egg whites, cashews, sunflower seeds, almonds, yogurt, and fruit w/almond butter to your list of snacks; do more activities that involve the usage of your major muscles (the more lean muscle you have the faster your body will burn calories over fat that is stored)...hope those tips help, they have really helped me...add me to your friends list if you need to chat further on more tips or if your partner has additional questions.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member

    The above link provides a well-written explanation of exactly what you need to do, written by one of the most knowledgable people on this site.
  • Thanks for the replies. So with good amount of exercise and eating correctly and stop snaking on bad things and staying with in my calorie count should I lose weight.

    Tonight my martial art classes start again. That's 10hours of training there. Also I am starting to bike 1hr-1hr30mins on other nights. Is this a gold way of weight loss and stabilizing weigjt.