

  • Great job! Thank you for sharing and inspiring!
  • WOW! Awesome job! You are an amazing inspiration!
  • Great work!! You look great!!
  • I can't see your profile, but people's weight bounce around a lot, especially women. I'm pretty sure eating too little will not make you gain weight short term, it will just freak your body out and make things a lot harder. Do make sure you are eating enough calories and meals, so you are safe and healthy though. (I've…
    in WTH? Comment by GetFitDad May 2012
  • This is more about habits than recipes, but maybe it helps you. :) Habits are hard to break... and form. I've read it takes 21 times to start or break a habit. You've been doing this so long, now it's a habit. I would say start with one thing, form a new habit, and work from there. An example would be to track and drink 8…
    in Help :( Comment by GetFitDad May 2012
  • From what I understand, in the morning, after your body has been fasting, you usually don't have many easy to burn calories in you system, as they have used up over night and / or stored. If you exercise in the morning before eating, your body will start to go into "starvation mode" because it does not have the immediate…
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