

  • Try almond milk and freeze greek yogurt cubes -- low fat vanilla, and toss that in with some frozen fruit and you will not taste the whey I also like the brand body fortress. It has the least repeat on me, Good luck and let us know if you have come across anything.
  • Hi Kelly,,, welcome! I had the sleeve done on January 30,2013 and so far i am down 90 lbs. It has slowed down which is frusrtating. There are a lot of things that will come with this journey. Personally, interpersonally and then your relationship with food,. I was a grazer before surgury and that urge doesn't leave. I use…
  • I had my sleeve surgery 1/30/13. This was after a year of failure with the band. That was an absolute nightmare. I have done everything by the book. I know this is my one chance and I was not going to feel better. We also found out that I have a serious thyroid problem. I am down ninty+ pounds. But it has slowed down. I…
  • Congratulations to everyone for taking a major step in reclaiming their lives. I had the lap band which was a year of hell. Constant vomiting, pain, inability to eat anything. I was dying. We got the insurance company to approve the removal and the sleeve. January 30,2013 I had my procedures. Today I am down 90 lbs. it us…