

  • I'm in. Just what I was looking for. I have been working hard and trianing for a 5k on June 2nd but due to my crazy life and work schedule not able to run like I need to, to make a certian goal. But with help Im giving it everything I've got this week.I am a slow runner but dont want to use any excuses. I have ran many 5ks…
  • Wow all of you who replied to this post- see amazing- I ll help you- if you all would add me too- the support I have already received is amazing- together we can kick this and get healtherier then ever!!!!!!
  • I am older and not a student:) But happy to have you both add me- so we can all motivate each other and stay on track!
  • Greatjob a pasing p the sweets ad optngfor fruit. Log in all your food, good or bad daily. Come n here as muchas posible for motivation. And remebr each ime you makea right choice you are one lb closer to you goal. Add me as a friend, Ill help all I can.