

  • 8 minutes is a huge cut on time. That's more than 1 minute per mile. I started seriously trying to run about a year ago and know how hard it is to shave time. Keep with it and you'll be amazed at what you can do. Congrats on what you've accomplished so far.
    in Wow I did it Comment by Jfowro June 2009
  • I got pregnant the first month with my first child and then it took almost 9 months with my second. You just never know. Their birthdays are only 2 days apart so maybe my body only likes being pregnant in the summer, lol.
  • I have to agree. I would try to stick to the 1200 a day most days, including weekends. I've been real focused on making every calorie count. Even if I have excess calories to eat from exercise or whatever, I resist the urge to eat just anything and only eat things that are whole grain, fresh fruit or vegetable, lean…
  • Yes, take a rest day. When you're muscles are fatigued, you are more likely to have poor form when exercising which can lead to injury. For me it's hard to not have those exercise calories but I usually have a much better workout the next day.
    in rest days?? Comment by Jfowro June 2009
  • I met friends recently at Olive Garden to celebrate a birthday. I got on the website and decided what I was going to get before going. I also had a snack while in the car before I got there so I wouldn't be starving and less likely to make good choices (and avoid the bread). Also, you can ask for the salad without their…
  • You could try adding some jogging intervals into your walking. Try something like jog a minute/walk 3 and continue for the duration of your walk. Not only will you burn more calories, but over time you'll see improvement in your jogging ability and that can be a great motivator.
    in BEAST MODE... Comment by Jfowro May 2009
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