1nsanity Member


  • do what you gotta do. if eating smaller in the morning helps you eat less throughout the day go for it! its more about calories in v. calories out than "eat big breakfast... lose weight!" everybody has different styles and techniques.
  • drink more water. eat more fiber. eat more protein (especially in the morning). and drink more water. seriously many times you mistake hunger pangs for thirst pangs. eating a protein packed breakfast will help curb hunger throughout the day as well. there really isnt any "miracle" supplement to control hunger.
  • i was going to suggest shorter hair... but i see you are in the service and already have short hair haha i have a problem with sweating too. not quite as bad as you, but then again i only do 20 minute workouts. for the feet, i would say try to get some talc powder, baby powder, or odor eaters powder to absorb as much sweat…
  • i would suggest getting a vitamin D supplement. your skin naturally makes vitamin when it gets UV rays. you need vitamin D, but too much UV rays can lead to melanoma (that also deals a lot with genetics but thats a different discussion lol) i run a cold wash cloth over my face before i go to work (after a shower) and…
  • her husband is healthy, she nags him to eat more so she doesnt feel as bad. Like ATLMel said, you just gotta step up and do it yourself. lack of motivation? you listed quite a few things that should be motivation. dont wannt look like your parents? dont eat like them. dont want to feel sluggish? eat healthily. embrace the…
  • after reading your first post again, i feel as though a weight loss goal a 2 lbs per week is gonna be difficult to obtain if youre currently in a plateau. if you feel you are eating back exercise cals and you are not underestimating what you consume and overestimate what you exercise, then i would check out a group called…
  • this^^ eating healthy foods over 1200 cals shouldnt leave you less energized. but if youre eating 1200 cals of fast food, then that is a different story.
  • seems like you need to eat back your exercise calories IF you are using MFP. they set your calorie goal at 1267, and you need to eat this every day. on the days you work out for an hour and burn 600 calories, you MUST eat back at least 75% of those calories. on that note, i believe, as nicky said, livestrong is already…
  • look at it as literally a weight loss helper. when you dont want to drink anymore, just stare at it and realize that the next glass will help you reach your goal. its tasteless, there is nothing to water. realize that and just suck it down as fast as you can.
  • leave the room he is eating in. maybe lost time with is wife will deter him to eat less, at different times, etc.
  • you have to realize that for the first couple weeks, its gonna be water weight coming off. following these plans correctly is only going to yield a pound or so loss per week because it is not a crash diet to drop pounds quickly only to put right back on. eating healthy amounts of healthy food will be more beneficial as a…
  • i understand the math and logic, but i feel like if someone is living a sedentary life, they will not be burning 1100 calories at the gym on a regular basis. i know the activity level puts it in terms of what job you do, if i was one to burn over 3000 calories a week, that is not a sedentary lifestyle in the least. also,…
  • nothing beats peanut butter on a hot eggo's waffle i put pb on anything i can. any fruit and vegetables especially. when i was younger, i would only eat carrots with peanut butter
  • food logs allows to track calories eaten and calories burned in a nice, clean, user interface. you dont have to use it, it just allows you to see everything dealing with food. once you hit your goal weight, and understand how to eat properly and what foods to eat, you dont have to log food eaten and exercise. it just…
  • anything by the band fun., especially their first album. its not pump up, but its fun, happy, indie pop that gets you in a great mood for life.
  • i agree with ATL. suckin in sounds like youre taking in a deep breath and sucking in your stomach. rather, flex and use your ab muscles to contract your stomach and keep it tight.
  • light colored urine is a good sign... it means you are staying hydrated! tea is essentially just flavored water and is just as effective (as long as you arent adding cream and sugar to it) so you can drink as much tea as you would like. in short, fat retains water. so when you drink a lot of water, your body is naturally…
  • whats good everyone? im steve, hopin to take my gut from flab to (somewhat) fab with this over the next few weeks. im excited to be in this group as this will hopefully help keep me accountable for my work. good luck to all!
  • count me in! i am at work currently and wont be doing the initial test when i get home tonight, but this sounds like an awesome challenge!
  • ahhh very true very true. the more i thought about it, and realized it was only 50 cals, the more it sounded like non factor haha
  • yeah i do that too. i guess when i say net cals burned i mean, do you subtract out the cals your body would have burned anyway even if you didnt work out? like if my body burns 50 cals an hour just sitting on the couch, but i go to the gym for an hour and burn 300 cals, my net cals burned is only 250. should i ented the…
  • if you feel that you cant eat anymore, then exercise less. youre creating too much of a calorie deficit and your body is reacting by going into survival mode. plain and simple. you may see i gain of a pound or two for the first 2 weeks, but it will eventually come right back off. there are a ton of threads on this line of…
  • people need to see this. to the top!
  • i hear ya. finals week can be a real *****! what helped me is finding healthy foods to snack on. individual packages of nuts and dried fruit is what kept me goin. i literally stopped buying junk food altogether. at first, i didnt snack at all because i didnt really like anything but junk food. so it was either i dont eat…
  • to me it looks like an endo is just a fat meso... ... ... it looks like it comes down to either you are: A) tall, skinny, and delicate or B) shorter, bulkier, and "denser". if you are of the B variety, your health choices will result in either being shorter, bulkier with muscle tone (mesomorph) or being shorter, bulkier…
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/10589-for-those-confused-or-questioning-eating-your-exercise-calo http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/3047-700-calories-a-day-and-not-losing eat your calories back. you will gain weight the first couple weeks but it will come right back off. mfp already builds in the deficit to…
  • i felt the same way in high school and had the same thought process. i still feel healthy even though i am what some consider obese, but now as a junior in college i am losing weight to look better for myself and to others. after thinking about this concept of overweight but healthy on many occasions, i think we just feel…