

  • Hi ladies. I am 27 nearly 28. I have a 7 month old baby and really struggling to lose weight, i have actually put weight on since giving birth :( I am on day 4 of level 1 on Jillian Micheal's 30 day shred and im trying my hardest to eat healthily and my major problem....cut down on the evening snacking!!!! I also have a 10…
    in New... Comment by NaomiRj April 2012
  • Im 5'8 and currently 203lbs :( i had a baby 7 months ago and managed to put more weight on after giving birth. I'd love to get in to 160's, then re evaluate and hopefully make it back down into 150s xx
  • Hi ladies how are you all doing with the weight loss? This is my first day fingers crossed it works x