

  • Hi there, I'm Ashley and am from the south side of the city but now reside near Schaumburg. I'm looking for motivation, recipes, and virtual buds to keep me in line with my goal of losing 30 lbs and more importantly - feeling better about myself!
  • I'm 5'8" and currently 210 lbs (cringe) ... my goal is to live a healthier and happier life and be comfortable with myself. Numberwise I'm hoping to get back to 170 lbs (as a short term goal). Long term I'd love to be around 160-165 lbs.
  • hi there, I have a blog but it's a lifestyle blog. I have a section called Project 25 which documents exercise routines, wins and accomplishments in exercise and weight loss. Check me out! :) Ashley
    in Bloggers?! Comment by shlee83 July 2012