

  • Just be a bit kind to yourself and start again fresh. We all fall off the wagon sometimes. It wont be a long term gain and the others are right, weigh yourself at the same time each week and expect it to go up and down a bit. Working out will add muscle too so take your measurements as well. Try not obsess over it as…
  • I know what you mean, but the thing about your healthy snack is that it will keep you feeling full for longer and the other goodies in there have other health benefits. The ice cream would satisfy you for about 5 mins and then you'd be hungry again
  • "Glad you had fun."??? Tell him to get stuffed. That sounds like "glad you had fun, but from my side....meh...." Next time you're on a date, spike his drink and check his messages when he's in the bathroom, that way you'll know if he's single, straight, and how many dates he has on the go all in one hit! Good luck. I feel…
  • Congratulations!!!! I dont have that much to lose but am just starting out so this is inspirational!
  • I had the same problem last year. It also has to do with jarring impact of any sort from what I can gather. I now spend more time on the elliptical trainer at the gym and the problem has completely gone away. They are obviously still there because I feel it straight away on the treadmill but it means I can train without…