Mespees Member


  • OK I am in too..If you will include me. I have be on and off, and this time I am not stopping until I reach the Goal Weight. I am taking what every victory or good practice I have and am posting it. Can I join too?
  • Packing lunch for me works as well too. I am a project manager, eat at my desk almost every day. A while ago, my hubby went and bought a whole bunch of the snack size glad containers. 9oz each I believe. If it does not fit in there, I don't eat it. Lunch mainly consists of veggies and a protein. The protein, I never fill…
  • What has always worked if you stick to the protein and veggie plan for me. TIME is my worst enemy. TIME to cook and TIME to exercise and do all the other stuff during the day. Like work. Preparing a fresh veggie lunch the night before is making things easier. At work I can get just a small amount of protein by itself,…