eating healthy while at work



  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Eating healthy at work is the easist thing for me. Yeah, at times people bring in sweets but it is so easy to say "already had some" or "will have some later" and just skip it!

    If there are vending machines that you cannot resist...dont bring any money into the office!
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    I work as a corporate trainer/program developer. Most days at my desk. Lots of people bringing in goodies or lunches catered in.

    I've been hooked on mason jar salads for several months. I make them for my boyfriend and I on Sunday for the whole week. I love mixing it up and trying to find new salad recipes I love (like buffalo chicken or taco salad). The fill me up way more than a lean cuisine, though I keep a few of those around for emergencies.

    I'm a big snacker. I keep light string cheese, healthy granola bars and yogurt at the office and usually have 3 or so snacks while at work.'s healthy cookies (made from just oats, mashed banana and whatever you like in a cookie) are another go to for me...they taste like banana bread but are low cal and really good for you. I'll bake a bunch, freeze them in small batches and take a baggy to work a once a week.
  • jec228
    jec228 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm a Sales Manager at a hotel - desk job. I pre pack and log my breakfast, lunch, and 2 snacks every night before work. We have a cafeteria that serves us a meal every day if I wanted. There is almost always an abundance of leftover food from hotel events - french toast, bagels, homefries, sandwiches, cookies, etc... it is sometimes tempting but I have gotten pretty good at saying no. We are also right next door to a large Star Market with a huge salad bar and plenty of options if I need to grab something in the middle of the day or for my dinner that night before I go home. I find that packing my lunch and pre-logging my meals has really helped! I eat basically the same things for breakfast lunch and snacks every day during the week - mostly because it's easy and I like what I like :)
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Not hard for me at all. I work in the IT department of a bank and the communal kitchen has two refrigerators.

    I bring in my lunch and put it in the community fridges. If I have to eat out, I find the local supermarket that makes salads and get one. If I'm forced to, I go to Subway. But I keep stuff at work for the most part for breakfast and lunch.

    It's a pain to lug stuff in but you have to do it or:

    1) spend a ton of money a week for lunch

    2) eat crap you don't need to be eating because "there's nothing else around"

    They sell "good" bagels here (Queens, NY - yeah baby!) and I have a problem with them; it's a serious thing this freaking bread love affair I have. So, I keep a container of old fashioned quaker oats at my desk, keep a stock of frozen berries and banana slices in the freezer and microwave the oatmeal in the morning, I use water and sometimes brown sugar or a dab of jam.
  • 2kellymike
    2kellymike Posts: 75 Member
    I am a Project Manager for technical documentation projects. We write manuals for the Navy. I have both access to a large kitchen and a small fridge in my office. And we have a great ice and water station. I drink water ALL day long. There is always something yummy around here, but very fortunately for me, I don't have much of a sweet tooth. Usually, I just smell whatever it is and then move along. My co-workers are highly amused by this! I keep two cabinet drawers full with protien bars, nuts, 100 calorie Ritz packs, and tuna packets. In the winter, I add cans of soup. I keep boiled eggs, cheese sticks, greek yogurt, etc., in my office fridge and frozen cooked chicken and salmon in the big freezer. I never eat out unless we are celebrating a birthday or something, and then I plan for it.
  • FrancescaWebb
    FrancescaWebb Posts: 211 Member
    I edit govt. documents, so i sit pretty much all day. i started walking about 3 miles every day at lunch, and we have an office score sheet to compete for drinking the most water. the water thing has helped SO much. i drank 10 cups yesterday and felt like a champ.

    I usually drink a big glass of water in the morning, then have toast with either peanut butter & agave, or avocado and a fried egg. I recently realized that even though i would buy all the salad ingredients i needed for the week, i rarely brought a salad to work. i would just end up going out. So now i go to Trader Joe's over the weekend and buy 5 of their pre-packed salads for the week. i keep beef jerky, bananas, yogurt, Triscuits, and/or cottage cheese in my office so i have mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks. variety is key for me...i cant eat the same thing all the time. As others have mentioned, i log my food in the morning so i have a plan for the day and i dont feel as tempted to run to the vending machine or the break room for whatever free snacks are there (usually baked goods or sandwiches).
  • Mespees
    Mespees Posts: 3 Member
    Packing lunch for me works as well too. I am a project manager, eat at my desk almost every day. A while ago, my hubby went and bought a whole bunch of the snack size glad containers. 9oz each I believe. If it does not fit in there, I don't eat it. Lunch mainly consists of veggies and a protein. The protein, I never fill the container to capacity. I usually weigh it all out 1 or two nights and pack it in the containers for hubby and myself for lunch. The veggies and fruit can be eaten on the go or in transit.. I try to keep at least two days of "Lunch" meals packed in the fridge so in the morning it is grab and go.

    Also the cafe at work has great choices. Usually get the smallest container and have salad, and a bit of protein (roasted chicken turkey or baked tofu). PLANNING . That is the key.:wink:
  • seismicmuffin
    seismicmuffin Posts: 160 Member
    I'm a Registered Dental Assistant at a surgical office.

    I usually prepare my morning protein shake before work and it keeps me going for about 4 hours. If I feel like breakfast type foods I like hard boiled eggs, oatmeal with raisins and brown sugar. For lunch I like fruit, a veggie burger, or leftovers from dinner the night before. I have a nice lunch bag that I bring daily filled with containers with my food. I also keep a lot of snacks at my desk. Fig bars, 100 cal snack packs etc.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    We run a family business. I pack my lunch now. It is a little difficult sometimes because then others are usually going out to eat or ordering out. But, I pack a salad everyday, because I love them. I pack a yogurt and one other snack, a fruit bowl or a snack bar, and sometimes a sandwich or a bowl of soup. Occasionally, I may have a left over chicken breast or pork chop from the night before.

    I recently picked up some chicken and turkey pot pies that I can microwave. So I'll be rotating those in soon.
  • Uba31
    Uba31 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm a Procurement & Cost Analyst, and I sit at a desk most of the day.

    I pack my breakfast and lunch and don't keep food in my desk, so I'm usually on track at work. I try to pack everything the night before so I'm not fumbling and running around in the morning. A little prepping and planning makes life soooo much easier.

    Lately I've been eating 2 Eggo waffles with a turkey sausage patty and I chop it all up and use low-calorie syrup. It's an easy grab and go breakfast. Lunch I usually pack up some leftovers from dinner. I will usually cook Sunday or Monday and then take the left overs for the week. I've been eating a lot of turkey sandwiches too lately. The Market District brand from Giant Eagle makes a Lite Turkey from the deli is really good and low in cals and sodium. I try to limit lunches out to once a week for both health and money reasons!
  • mediamogulsteve
    mediamogulsteve Posts: 115 Member
    I work in commercial lending (to pay the bills) and in radio (for fun).

    I bring my food for the entire day - breakfast, morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack.

    Of course, there are occasions when I go out to lunch, but I plan for it. For instance, today I went to Twin Peaks, so my lunch is a little higher than normal, but I'm planning on working out when I get home and going for a walk a little later this afternoon.

    My biggest tips for working and losing weight: walk whenever and wherever you can during the day. When the weather is inclement, our building has a parking garage so I walk around it as necessary. Two 10 minute walks day really break things up and help me get away from my desk. Also, take the stairs when possible. It's easy and free. LOL. Will you burn as much as going to the gym? Of course not, but it helps you stay out of the kitchen when people bring donuts and Duffy Rolls!

    It CAN be done!
  • kikif617
    kikif617 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm an OSHA Reporting Assistant.

    I bring my lunch everyday, and typically is always a salad with oil and vinegar as the dressing. For snacks I have a granny apple with peanut butter, some wheat thin pops, popcorn. Oddly I'm the candy jar person, and I never touch the candy, and it's literally right next to me all damn day!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I'm a paralegal -

    I pack my lunch most days and have things at the office that I like to snack on. Cereal, protein bars, a few frozen meals for those days when you forget to pack, etc. I work in a very small firm (only 3 of us) and I have a full kitchen at my disposal. Reheating something isn't a big deal and rarely do the guys bring something in to snack on - if anyone does it is me! So I can arrange it to be good.

    My only downfall is if the offer to take me out to lunch - and you never turn down the boss LOL - so I just plan the best I can for it and eat a very light dinner (and if I know ahead of time, an even lighter or I skip breakfast)

    That sounds just like me!! I"m also a paralegal in a small office. It's me and the two lawyers. I don't have a full kitchen. We just have a microwave, mini fridge and Keurig. I bring my own lunch every day. One lawyer rarely eats here (though he's getting better) and the other goes out and eats almost every day.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I'm the Queen of all I See (not my official title, but I think it fits.)
    I bring food from home sometimes or I eat at a local restaurant. Either way, I can control the portion size of what I eat.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I'm a corporate drone. For breakfast I bring greek yogurt and boiled eggs and keep in fridge at work for the week. For lunch, I am fortunate that I live close enough that I can go home, I usually eat a salad or chicken/hummus wrap. If I do eat out for lunch, I just try to be mindful of what I get. I keep protein bars and raw nuts for snacks, along with a peice of fruit, usually an apple and/or a banana.
  • Jillian130
    Jillian130 Posts: 174 Member
    I'm an Accounts Payable Clerk in Municipal Government.
    I usually bring snacks to work and I often go home for lunch as I am only about 10 min away and I have a one hour lunch. Days that I don't feel like going home I bring a lunch from home. We have a fridge and microwave in the staff room, so it makes it easy to warm up leftovers from home. Snacks usually include Greek yogurt, an apple or banana, and protein bars.
  • Hoop4la
    Hoop4la Posts: 68 Member
    I walk to the nearest supermarket and back ... and i buy salad greens which I have with tinned salmon , or turkey slices - and gerkins or pickled onions. If I am really hungry I add sweetcorn
    Sometimes i have soup warmed in the microwave which has been provided for us
  • PaulVLJ
    PaulVLJ Posts: 13 Member
    I’m a programmer/analyst. Easy, take your food with you for the day. Don’t buy anything but coffee.
  • tony49837
    tony49837 Posts: 15 Member
    I design & build the factories that make the food and packaging ....... (architect). Kind of ironic isn't it? Usually a couple yogurt cups and something else small. Good protein in it and keeps me satisfied pretty well.
  • kuntry_navySD
    kuntry_navySD Posts: 106 Member
    full time student, and aircraft mechanic. I cook all my meals in the morning after the gym and before school