ka97 Member


  • @Jactop Friday - 60 min exercise (lifting)
  • @Jactop 6 mile run - 60+ minutes, estimated 15,000 steps
  • Wednesday Work just sucks! Food - surprisingly on point Exercise - kickboxing + abs @Jactop 60 min exercise No run today so no way to estimate steps
  • Tuesday check-in Still lots going on at work 😖 - too tired and frustrated to go into details. I really wanted to skip the workout, but didn’t - one of the advantages of seeing a trainer. Food - in point Exercise - 3 mile run and lifting with trainer @Jactop So regarding the step thing, it it makes a difference: Sunday - 3…
  • So running X miles counts both for steps and exercise? Can we use the standard estimate of 2500 steps per mile?
  • FWIW Sunday was 80 min - run + lift Monday was a planned rest day Today will be 90 min - just finished a run and have a lifting session with my trainer
  • I I don’t regularly track steps, just exercise - my goals are based on mikes and estimated calories burned. So now I’m worried I might be more of a burden then help. I’m actually off to workout now. Whatever you guys decide is best for the group is good with me, just let me know what to do.
  • Monday check in Rough day. Issues at work. Can’t say that I made good eating choices. Calories - probably over Exercise - planned rest day
  • I’d like to play but......with school vacation next week I do have a few planned “rest days” so I would hate to hurt the team. Though I probably shoot for a step count on those days. So if you need/want me I’ll do it.
  • This is week 1 weigh in, right? I feel like I’m a little lost at the moment. Week 1 Weigh in Friday PW 156.8 CW 156.2
  • Wednesday check in Today was a planned test day. I’m pretty sore from lifting, after two months of no upper body work. Was also crazy hungry. Food choices were all good, but volume was high. And I had a glass of wine this evening. PT went well. We mostly talked and strategized. Since I’m also working with a trainer he’s…
  • Tuesday check in Food - stuck to my plan Exercise - 3 mile run andlifting with the trainer Still going cautiously with the weights. I go back to PT tomorrow and hopefully will get more direction.
  • Glad to be back for April! March was a really tough month - I’m a special Ed teacher and there was just a lot going on. At this point I’m focusing on the basics - sticking to my workouts and making good food choices. Over the last 5 years I’ve gained back about 20lbs. Last year I had a persistent IT band issue, and…
  • Starting weight 156.8 Weigh in day Friday Hope this the the correct place to post this. I’ll try to get caught up in the next couple of days.
  • Can you guys let me know when it’s time to sign up for April? My state portfolios get submitted Friday, so I’m hoping things get back to normal after that.
  • That sounds good!
  • What's the cheer squad?
  • Friday weigh-in 154.8 I am going to have to sit out for March. I'm completely overwhelmed with work and just can't manage the regular check-ins. My state assessment portfolios are due at the end of March, so once that's done life should be good again.
  • Friday weigh-in 156.4 Thanks TOM 😖
  • Wednesday check in Calories - were under, then had a late night binge :( Water - pretty good Exercise - 6 mile run + kickboxing class Things were well on track yesterday. But then I was insanely hungry after kickboxing class. My niece and nephew are coming this afternoon and staying until Sunday. It's going to be a crazy…
  • Tuesday check in Calories - under water - pretty good exercise - 4 mile run Legs were sore and tired from squats and deadlifts yesterday, so I cut the run short. Hopefully tomorrow will go better. I learned yesterday about the death of one my former students. I was pretty emotional and struggling last night, but have…
  • Thank you. We have school vacation this coming week. I did bring home a lot of work, but it should still be a good week for me to have some quiet time, recover, and refocus.
  • I have not weighed in this week. I'm not sure what that means as far as the challenge goes - is there any leeway, or am I out? Anyways....it's been a really tough emotional week - stuff at work, snow/ice storm, staff training and drills related to school shootings. I haven't done well, and have been stress eating and…
  • Monday Check in Calories - under Water - not enough Exercise - 5.5 mile run Run went much better than expected, given the circumstances of the last couple of weeks. It was slow, but no walking and no issues with breathing. We are supposed to be getting a snowstorm tomorrow, so now I'm sitting here waiting and hoping for an…
  • week 1 weigh in username - ka97 weigh in day - Friday PW - 156.2 CW - 155.4
  • Thursday check in Calories - too close to call Water - not enough Exercise - managed a short lifting session - legs and abs I think I must be feeling better because I wanted a glass of wine tonight! Lifting wasn't too bad, I kept it to low weight and high reps. Might even try a short run tomorrow!
  • Wednesday check in Calories - to close to call Water - not enough Exercise - attempted kickboxing class - my lungs aren’t ready to exercise yet
  • Have you seen a doctor yet? I was able to get cough syrup with codeine, which was a huge help with the sleeping. Might also be time for an antibiotic.
  • Still trying to kick this bug. I haven't gotten back to logging food, but am starting to eat normal food again (not just soup and ice cream!). No exercise either as I'm still getting winded just walking up the stairs. I'm actually feeling noticeably better today, though still exhausted by noon. Hopefully soon.....
  • I just found my way over here from the January thread. January wasn't a great month for me. I really need to work on my consistency to make February a better month. I'm still sick at the moment. This has been a tough one. Usually I can shake it in a day or two, but this bug has really gotten the best of me. I'm winded just…