sassypants68 Member


  • Good for you! This site is a VERY helpful tool if you're true to yourself and log in every day. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. By the way, don't "think" you can succeed. KNOW YOU CAN! :-)
  • Good for you for taking charge and congratulations on your wedding! I'll send you a friend request.
  • I can only have 1200 calories a day too, so like other members, I try to balance my calories with exercise. I did eat a cookie tonight (80 calories), but I had enough remaining calories to support it (I actually still have extra right now which isn't normal). Here is one trick I use to keep myself from eating things like…
  • Hi Cora, Congratulations on getting started! Get some exercise in today, and you'll gain more calories that you can use for dinner and maybe even a before bed snack. :) I'm going on my 3rd week now, and I really love this site. it's extremely helpful in trying to help keep track of what you're doing, and it really helps to…
  • Congratulations! Celebrate EVERY accomplishment. Every journey has to begin with the first step!
  • I'm diabetic, so I can't have mochas and frapps. Here's my morning "from home" substitution: Swiss Miss DIET Hot Chocolate (only 25 calories), coffee and about 2 oz. of Silk Soy Light Vanilla (or reg) milk. About 45 calories. It tastes pretty good for a fake mocha. (I can only find the Diet hot chocolate at Target). When…
  • Welcome.. this site is awesome, and EVERY one is friendly and supportive. Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm trying to lose vs. gain, but we can still support each other. :smile:
  • Interesting... I'm Diabetic and have PCOS too. I never knew until trying to have my second child through infertility treatments. I was successful through IVF (he's almost 7), but I had enough eggs to support an Easter Egg Hunt. :smile: Other than that, I don't notice it. You can friend me too if you would like...
  • Hello and welcome! I just started this site a week ago. The great thing is that you're not really "dieting". You chose what food/ calories you want to eat. Once you start seeing how many calories are REALLY in what you're eating, you start to make adjustments (without feeling deprived) that will help you lose weight. it's…
  • All my life my favorite breakfast has been cereal. Diabetes ruined that, so now my favorite "go-to" breakfast is 1/2 cup 1% milkfat cottage cheese either mixed with cinnamon and a little sweet n' low or mixed with mandarin oranges in no-sugar added juice that has been drained away.
  • Okay, I'll admit that I'm a little tired, so I might be missing your meaning. When you say "insulin resistant" do you mean diabetic? I'm diabetic, and inject insulin twice daily. You?
  • Welcome to the site Ryan! I'm new to the site as well (just joined last week). From what I've experienced, this site is really AWESOME and every posting I've seen is uplifting and helpful. Feel free to add me as a friend if you wouldl ike. Becky
  • Wow, I'll have to look for them to try. Thank you for all of the information!
  • What's a vitatop?
  • Late night snacks are so tough for me! I want to eat one every night, and I have to literally talk to myself to tell myself I don't need it! (It doesn't help that I'm diabetic, so the eating will add the calories AND raise my blood sugar.) I like to eat low carb cereal like Go Lean Kashi or something BAD like Chunky Chips…
  • Hi Lizzy! Good luck!
  • Okay, forgive me if I get these these reply messages messed up. I'm still learning this site! Thank you very much for the posts. Funny about the insulin. I've heard the same thing about insulin NOT causing weight gain. I've come to the conclusion that the end user is living proof (vs. text book) and that it does. lol I…