DianaAR Member


  • i used to be a die hard pop drinker. but i knew it was terrible for me. so i switched to sparkling water. same carbon, same sweet flavor, none of the bad stuff. i did some research and studies say its just as good for you as regular water, but can help curb the pop craving.
  • idk, my personal trainer is fantastic. he knows i'm a beginner and is crazy supportive. he emails me on off days just to check in. he doesnt get paid for that. he tailors the workouts for me, not for just any generic member. this is the same for all of his clients. maybe its the gym, maybe i just hit gold with a great…
  • I had the same question!
    in bump... Comment by DianaAR July 2012
  • Nerds are the new jocks. Brain jocks, that is. Nerds are sexy.