Today was my first day back at the gym in about a month. That is way too long, I love the gym. Anyways, I did my hour of cardio, cooled down, and then proceeded to the leg machines for a leg training day! While I am on a machine, this personal trainer that always bugs me about getting some sessions with him, comes up to me.

He said, "Hey, we need to lean your legs out a bit!"
I replied, "Yeah, I know. I gained back the 10 pounds I lost in April."
PT:"Well, I wasn't going to go as far as saying you've gained weight, but yeah, you have. We need to get you into some training!"
Me: "Ehh.. I'm going to lose my 10 lbs again first, and then see what I want to do."
PT: "That's not what you should be doing! See, trainers are like the training wheels on a bike. You are supposed to train for a while and then be let go and do your own thing. If you had me, you wouldn't have gained the weight back."

DOES ANYONE ELSE FIND THIS COMPLETELY RUDE?! Or am I being ridiculous. The reason I gained all the weight back was because I was constantly binge eating after this 30 day challenge thing I did was complete. No, I am not a personal trainer... But I feel
like I know enough to lose 15 pounds on my own. I kinda of related it in my head to someone telling a morbidly obese person that they can't lose weight unless they get a gastric bypass. It seems to me like all you wonderful people are doing fantastic!

PLUS, when I was 10 lbs lower than I am now, I actually went to him and asked about training and he said I shouldn't lose anymore weight. Mind you, I was at approximately 20% body fat.

BTW, I am not overweight. I'm 5'4", 140ish pounds, 22% body fat. I am pretty athletic, so it's not like I go into the gym looking like an idiot.

Sorry that this is so long. I just needed to vent, and now I'm gonna go back and laugh at that trainer after I lose my 15lbs! :laugh:


  • clewan
    clewan Posts: 4
    It is extremely frustrating when speaking with trainers who think that they know everything. It is obvious that the PT was not looking out for your needs. You really have every right to be frustrated. The last thing people need when attempting to head back to the gym is to run into someone who actually makes them feel bad about any weight that they have gained. Not only that, but to make people feel as though they can't do things on their own is RIDICULOUS. What we need is someone to tell us we can do it, not the other way around.

    You really should just be proud of yourself for heading back (I am having a hard time getting myself back in the gym) and forget the PT. We all know that we need to eat right and exercise and it's clear that you are knowledgeable enough to do so without a PT.

    Forget 'em and great job getting back in there!!!
  • Skinnymunkii
    Skinnymunkii Posts: 191 Member
    Certain gyms push their trainers to sell memberships, sessions and supplements and the like. And when I say push, I mean shoveitdownyourthroatandmakeyoufeellikecrapuntilyougivein type of subtle persuasion, with all the tricks of a used car salesman. He just wants your money. If he bothers you again, tell him if he doesn't leave you alone that you'll complain to the management and you'll find another gym to go to, one where they don't harass their members.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    hmmmmmmm.. perhaps a nice discussion with the Gym Management to remind them that their Trainer has some issues he/she needs to seriously deal with... its rather intrusive, unsolicited and downright rude.

    Some guy tried that with me... fresh out of school too from what the gym manager told me... He was young enough to be my son.

    The last time he tried to personally sales-pitch me to death, I asked him "do you treat your mother like this when she is about to serve you a Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixings and thats SOOOO WRONG? Do you bore her to death with your I-know-it-all-attitude? Please tell me she puts you in your place, because Im about to do the same damn thing if you dont shut up!!!!!"... Told him I work with Sports Medical professionals for a living out of 300 physicians and I have no desire to listen to his pompous *kitten* anytime soon.

    Saw the gym manager laughing himself silly....
  • Big_Daddy6
    Big_Daddy6 Posts: 188
    Seems the PT is an a@@hole.
  • j_wilson2012
    Gym Personal trainers are like a dog's owner. "You want the bone, I got the bone, Im gonna throw the bone. You wannna go get the bone? Im gonna toss it! Yeah boy, you want the bone, tell me you want the bone, get ready, now GO GET IT."

    He is not mean, I dont think, but he is a salesman. Personal trainers have to get you to believe that their expertise is your only way to get fit, just as car salesmen have to make you believe that the car you are checkin out on the lot is the only one for you. For a lot of people it is a great option. For me, it is a waste of time. I have never committed to a gym consistently.

    Personal trainers dont care about you, they only care about their wallet, and finding a way to get the hot ones into bed. Don't take it to heart. Just dont pay him the extra money (PT sessions are not free, thus, he gets a commission on every session he does.).
  • slieber
    slieber Posts: 765 Member
    Being that I've been working out for a good 6 or so years, now, and have done a pretty good job educating myself on BMR, BMI, HRM, anaerobic, aerobic, weights and all that, when a young trainer came up and tried to sales pitch me, I asked him pointed, technical questions using pointed, technical language. He didn't even know what I meant.

    I told him he needed more experience before I'd let him train me. ;-D
  • LifestyleChange33
    LifestyleChange33 Posts: 169 Member
    He was 1. flirting with you, 2. desparate for business, or 3. just a plain *kitten*. yeah. that's rude...:huh:
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    if you wanna lose the weight, do it and then if you wanna a personal trainer you need to find someone else
  • Balance05
    Balance05 Posts: 53 Member
    I have a similar case with a personal trainer. He basically said I NEEDED a trainer to lose enough weight to be healthy.

    I think you are right on. As long as you believe in yourself and put in the work, you are UNSTOPPABLE! Continue to tell him you're not interested...If he bugs you another time or two, go to the manager/owner. You need to be able to focus at the gym to get the results you want, and its a complete distraction to have someone there tell you that you can't do it.

    I believe you can. I can't wait to see your results. Go get 'em!
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Sounds like a jerk! Very pushy and rude. Personal trainers are not necessary, unless you find one that you really like and helps you a lot. Otherwise, a waste of money.

    Although, why the hour long cardio session BEFORE weights? You'll have a better weight training session if you save the cardio for post-lifting or another day entirely.
  • DianaAR
    DianaAR Posts: 4 Member
    idk, my personal trainer is fantastic. he knows i'm a beginner and is crazy supportive. he emails me on off days just to check in. he doesnt get paid for that. he tailors the workouts for me, not for just any generic member. this is the same for all of his clients. maybe its the gym, maybe i just hit gold with a great trainer. idk, but i would never lump them all into one negative group.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i hate that.

    i definitely think PTs scope out people to target. fortunately i've yet to be approached in my new gym to purchase a trainer. i think it's because of the type workouts i do. at my old gym there werent free weights, so i pretty much had to use that circuit machine loop.

    i think if you look like a beginner (and using machines and circuit type stuff) makes someone look like a beginner then they will try to intervene with stuff about form and what they can do. i have yet to have anyone come at me in between sets of push presses or deadlifts. in fact i never see trainers teaching that stuff
  • chloenmiller
    chloenmiller Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you so much everyone! If it happens again, I will definitely tell him that I am planning on telling management. Once again, thanks so much for the support!