Luunila Member


  • Yay! More friends in the same boat! I'm really hoping to have good news to report after my dd turns 3 months.
  • Thank you both so much! I was getting really discouraged that no one was replying. Starting to think no one had ever had this problem. I will add you both. Since posting I haven't been tracking. I'm still exercising a few times a week, but I just figured that since no matter what I do I seem to stay the same I'm going to…
  • I still have my 2 month old in bed with us, but my 19 month old would never go in her crib. So when she was 7 months old we couldn't sleep anymore cause she moved around so much, so we did cry-it out with her. We knew we probably wouldn't get any sleep for a week but at least we would get our bed back. We did the Ferber…
  • I could really use some support! I gained 70lbs with this pregnancy. I gained exactly the same amount with my last too, but it came off pretty easily the first time (within 5 months), but this time I lost 32lbs the first 2 weeks and haven't budged in 3 weeks! I'm breastfeeding too. I'm going to start working out again next…