
  • So Banks would this be true even for us who have had gastric, cause I have always(well since surgury) been able to limit my food intake and excerise and matain my weight, but this is the first time(I gave birth) since surgury that I'm trying to lose weight that I have put back on (cause of having a baby)?
  • I' m with you on this question, cause I eat a limited amount of food, not even the 1200 calories I'm able to eat, and excerise out about 700 calories out a day, and it is working for me I'm not hungry or getting sick?
  • Im post gastric 4 years, and with a smaller stomache I can't even achive that, like they say slow and steady wins the race, I found with limiting of food u can lose about 3lbs a week, but u have to have time to treat your life as if you were on "The Biggest Loser". That is the only way I eat very limited amounts of food…
  • I find that replacing a meal with a protien shake works, and follow serving sizes, that helps you stay in your range..alot of water will help with the hunger and trying taking in more fiber, that is what has helped me over the years of lossing weight...hope that helps a little..
  • Ok I just started this site, and I'm hearing alot about this 30 day shred levels..I'm lost what is this program? I would like in. what ever will help me shred these last 30 lbs of baby weight..Help!!! anyone