

  • Hi Lacy, Welcome and now that you're here you're one step closer to achieving your goal. I will be happy to support you on that journey and would also appreciate someone who can provide comments or offer suggestions. Having someone else there you can count on who cares that you logged in and are making incremental progress…
  • Hi Mara, Welcome back - this is certainly the right place to keep track of healthy habits and by doing so be able to limit those not so healthy choices so they don't become routine. I spent a fair amount of time in Leiden for work - you certainly have a leg up on those of us from the US in the exercise department -…
  • Hi, 51 here beginning now to understand how important healthy food and exercise habits are to fitting gracefully into new age brackets. Wishing you great success. Add me as a friend if you'd like. :smile:
  • Hi, We're in the same boat...I'm also looking to lose 50 and, like you, if I do the right things, I do lose weight. I also get sidetracked easily especially when I lose track of the long term goal after noticing a little success. I've been pretty motivated last and this week. The secret here, I think, is going to this site…
  • Hi Becky, I'm in the same boat - 50-60 lbs and committed to keeping a log here and doing some sort of exercise every day. It's hard to fit exercise in with work but I'm looking at it as a must do every day type of appointment. I'm trying to make it like something I wouldn't think not to do eery day - I wouldn't not go to…