cwelch2677 Member


  • I'm having this same delima. I have never been under 200lbs as an adult and I only have 9lbs until I get there. I feel I should do something for myself, but I can't imagine what :(
  • THE T-SHIRTS!! That and my pace is usually way better at races :)
  • "For Whom the Bell Tolls" Metallica "Dancin' on my Own" Robyn "99 Problems" Jay-Z sorry, couldn't do just one, these are my top three :)
  • I loved, loved, LOVED my treadmill when I first started running. If I hadn't had one I probably wouldn't have kept it up. Been running for about 3.5yrs now and would much rather go outside. Sometimes I'll still do intervals on the treadmill because I'm lazy :/. Do whatever keeps you motivated and consistent. Good luck :)
  • I thing you're just showing off your math skills ;) MFP always way over estimates my calories burned so I just go by what my garmin says since I have to put in my sex, age, and weight. When I run on the treadmill I will usually just enter what my last outdoor run of the same distance was from my watch.
  • The last time I ran before work I literaly told myself "you need to be a big girl and get out of bed, you're awake anyway" and that worked pretty good :)
  • Why yes, I had one today and believe me, I ate EVERYTHING!!! Usually have at least one, maybe two of those a week. I usually feel like doo doo at the end of the day and manage to get back on track for the rest of the week.
  • I don't belong to a running group but I do have a friend nearby I run with sometimes. When we run together my times are way better than when I run solo.
  • Yay, you posted a topic! Just thought I should reply since you are my long time buddy:) Save me one of those cookies sometime
  • I don't get angry but I do get really defensive. Anytime my husband asks me "when was the last time you ran, did yoga, whatever?' I feel like he's criticizing me and I get real snippy with my answers. I just want him to notice how hard I work and how far I've come not how much I slack off which is kinda unfair to him. I…
  • I have also had my gallbladder out almost 10yrs ago now and the only thing that has ever given me trouble is eggs. Some people do become more sensitive to fatty foods post gallbladder surgery. If it's really bothersome, it couldn't hurt to get a second opinion. That's just my two cents. Hope it gets better for ya :)
  • I've had it for years. It's really bad 1st thing in the morning and after a run. I take an anti-inflammatory right after my runs and try to stretch it a lot. The frozen water bottle helps when it gets worse than usual. It hasn't stopped me from running yet. I got some minimalist shoes and that actually helped a lot. Hope…
  • If you need the caffine try switching to diet green teas. I tried this for a while and it was a good substitute. Still has enough caffine to take the edge off :) Eventually, I fell back on my old reliable, diet coke, but I try to limit my intake to one can a day.
  • I am planning on running a 10k in November so I would like to be down another 15-17lbs by then.
  • COFFEE!!! and usually oatmeal maybe with some fruit 30min to an hour before I go out to give things time to adjust :)
  • Amen sister! My husband doesn't even want me going out at 6am it's been so hot around here lately. This must be why it's so cheap to live in the South :)
  • Good for you! I hate getting up and running in the mornning but it's always nice to have it done before you really start your day :)
  • If you've got the money and the time, do it girl, I would and I don't even have kids :)
  • Go for a run. I'm always glad I did it and am usually too tired to care about anything when I'm done.
  • I hear ya. Some people need the drama to get through the day. There's nothing you can really do about except wait for her to get tired of complaining about it. Try to be as unsympathetic as possible without being mean. I know, it's a fine line.
  • I have started recording my weight 1st thing on Wednesday morning after I handle my business, in my jammies, before breakfast. I like the mid-week weigh in :) Too much pressure at the end of the week.
  • Otis, from a shelter, and Seymour named for "Seymour Glass"
  • For and indeterminate amount of time, ha ha :)
  • I started out at 238 in April and am down to 223. My goal is 165lbs. Exercise definately helps, even if it's just walking for 30 minutes. I wasn't able to run this week due to a bum knee and just did strength training yoga and my weight went up 5lbs even though i only went over my calorie allowance once this week. That…
  • For the first time in 3 and 1/2 years of my marriage my husband can pick me up!
  • I used to have this problem when I first started running, after a while my body either got used to it or I dried up when I turned 35 because I don't have acne anymore :smile: I do still get the occasional heat rash on my chest or back.
  • I'm a big girl and i do yoga and pilates. There are a few poses I can't hold maily because I don't have the upper body strength, but I'm hoping that will improve in time. I'm doing yoga to tone up and strengthen my legs for running.
  • Thanks for that. I've been sitting here for 20min trying to psych myself up to go run 7miles and I really didn't want to, but this has been a good reminder of how we should live our lives to honor God. Thanks again, am getting up now to put on my running gear :smile:
  • 'Wow" is right, you look fantastic :)
  • My husband planted a bottle on the beach with "Will you marry me?" written on a note inside. We took a walk on the beach just before midnight on new years eve. He had a heck of a time getting me to pick it up because i was sure it was someone else's trash, but it all worked out okay. I couldn't have been more suprised or…