

  • I'm going to try for 50 again. Last month I kept on getting too sick so there were a few weeks running was totally out of the question for me. Hopefully this month is better!
  • So far I'm up to 7 miles. I need to be able to run 5.5 continuously before Thanksgiving so I can do my community Turkey Trot. Hopefully that'll boost my mileage.
  • This will be my first time trying this challenge. I'm going to try 50. I may or may not hit that, but that's the point of a goal right?
  • Yeah, when I used to work at my old bakery job, I could never stop at one scone. It was always about... 3.
  • I've kind of always wondered about the actual calories burned as suggested by Endemondo or RunKeeper. I found this. Maybe this helps? http://www.healthdiscovery.net/links/calculators/calorie_calculator.htm
  • To answer questions: I swear this is not all any sort of bull. Admittedly I work for an extremely strict company, but they're willing to allow me prepackaged snacks because I have a doctors note. We aren't supposed to leave to go to our cars at any point in time during our shift. My shifts are anywhere from 3 hours, to 8.…
  • I don't have a bag either. I work in a corporate chain, their rules are vastly different. I used to work for a small restaurant on my campus as well, and anything went. I have an apron with two medium pockets, that's the best I can bring in. Bags aren't allowed for space reasons. I could probably bring in nuts of some…
  • A food court. At a mall. Which isn't healthy in the least. I'm not given breaks during my shift, so I couldn't leave to go find food half way through. The sandwich could contaminate food, fall into other people's plates, and then there's the issue of food stuck in my teeth, guests seeing me eat the sandwich, no where to…
  • No, as I work in a restaurant, I am not allowed to bring in my own food. We're supposed to eat before or after our shift. There are county health issues with food prepared in a kitchen vs at home and them being mixed. Also, if I were to bring in something like a sandwich, my other coworkers would ask why they aren't…