

  • Since I have started my weight loss journey I have had about 6 or 7 people (all females)say something to me about getting a breast reduction if I don't loss weight in that area. I know I will Lose some weight but I was big when I was smaller and younger so I don't anticipate getting to small. I've decided that I will not…
  • It was tough at first but it is getting better. Mine you I am not going very fast at all. My goal is just to get in the habit of exercising. I am up to 60 minutes of walking per a day at a very slow rate. I only cover 1.25 miles a day. Hope to be at 3 miles by the end of the year.
  • I think that I have figured out why I was so hungry. 4 days prior I was not watching what I was eating and was not eating every couple of hours. Then Tuesday I woke up hungry and stayed that way until Wednesday afternoon. I was more careful as to how I was eating and when. It seemed to help the hunger. As far as the amount…
  • Hello, My name is Tammy. I had the vertical sleeve August 16, 2013. The first week I was extremely tired. Now I am getting more and more energetic. I am loving it. I am still in the soft/puréed foods for another 2 weeks. My highest weigh was 244.9 and I am now at 217.4. I am concerned about getting the required protein in…
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