Hungry already

I had the sleeve done August 16,2013. I was told that I would not feel any hunger. I have been hungry for 3 days now. It is not mind hunger. This hunger is stomach because with it I am experience a tingling in my jaws. Like I am very hunger. I tracked my food intake yesterday and I ate approximately 1300 calories and 99 protein and 26 carbs. The two days prior to yesterday I think that I did not eat enough protein. I guess my body had to catchup. But I am still experiencing huner today. Any suggestions?


  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I'm surprised that you are able to eat so many calories so soon after vsg. Normally, you would go through a clear liquid stage, a full stage, a pureed stage, a soft food stage, and then move to solid foods after that. I would certainly be working with your dietitian or your nutritionist and consulting your surgeon. That kind of hunger shouldn't be happening, at least not as far as I've ever heard.
    Your diary is not open, so we can't see what you are eating, but I would think 99 grams of protein is a lot so soon after surgery unless you are living on protein shakes. Would love to help, but I really think you should follow up with professionals.
  • I think that I have figured out why I was so hungry. 4 days prior I was not watching what I was eating and was not eating every couple of hours. Then Tuesday I woke up hungry and stayed that way until Wednesday afternoon. I was more careful as to how I was eating and when. It seemed to help the hunger.

    As far as the amount I am eating. I am eating around 1000 to 1300 calories a day. I also exercise so I am burning about 275 calories a day.

    By the way my doctor set me up with liquids the first week and soft/puréed foods for 3 weeks. After that I will start adding regular food in. I don't have a problem with the protein at all. I don't drink but maybe one protein shake a day and that is it. The rest of my protein is from real food. I usually eat scrambled eggs, tilapia, Vienna sausage, chicken that is very tender, ground beef, etc. soft cheeses, soups, yogurt, puddings,etc. the protein shakes seem to go right through me that is why I don't drink many of them.

    I have a actually been surprised that I can eat as much as I do. If I was not watching the test they give you to check for leaks in the hospital I would think that they did not do the surgery and also the fact that I can't eat a whole lot at one sitting.

    I did not open my food diary because one I don't no how and to I have just started tracking my food the day I posted this issue so there would not be a lot to look at.