

  • I donate every 56 days like clockwork,and I work out the next day.I also drink lots of water,eat good proteins and try to get good sleep to replenish. I know if I don't jump right back on the horse I can get sidetracked really easy. I read somewhere that donating a pint takes out 600 calories so there is some incentive for…
  • Are you drinking enough water? it will help.I lost 45 pounds with this site but things started slow.I have kept it off for a year but I am comming back to track my food because I am losing willpower. try to get a work out in even if you just walk in place at home.
  • ok, here's the deal. Find a power greater than yourself. There are 12 step programs for food addictions as well as other types of pro. help for the kinds of thoughts you are talking about. Reguardless what the scale says,our minds must feel healthy also.
    in Addiction Comment by jcope001 July 2009
  • my birthday is coming and I have a week of vacation,that is the worst time for me,I can stay on track untill I get bored at home, and then it's munchie-time. I guess I will spend more time at the gym.:grumble: