thibautseeker Member


  • Yep, Monday to Friday I have the same for breakfast and lunch is very similar - a selection from my graze box, fruit and a yoghurt. I try to do something veggie/salady for dinner but sometimes if it's just me for dinner and it's been a long day it might be something easier with very little prep or washing.
  • You're doing amazing! Here's to great graduation photos!!! My first goal is to get out of the obese range of my BMI and second is to get as close to my goal as possible and be a healthy weight. Healthy eating and continuing to exercise so I never get to this size again!
  • I still weigh over 200lbs so I've got lots still to lose yet I've had people at work say that if I lose anymore I'll disappear! How stupid, I'm still classed as obese so how on earth am I going to 'disappear'! Even now I have lots of saggy, wrinkly bits on my body which I don't like but I know I'd rather have them and be…
  • I'm doing the same, having extra treats, chocolate, Christmas dinner but being more controlled on the snacking. Have also done my bit of yoga today!
  • I routinely have 7-8 hours, weekends I'm much the same as I get up to go to the early morning swim session, I don't have to get up quite as early as for work but I tend to stay up a little later at the weekends so it works out the same really.
  • My friend at work has been the worse - we often have cake things going on at work, cake sales for this or that charity, free cakes in the staff room to encourage people to use it more, birthdays (people bring cakes in), and when I've said (genuiningly) that I'm not bothered and not having any she always rolls out the same…
  • Hi Jen, you've taken the first step by joining! You'll find lots of support on here. Add me as a friend if you like. Good luck!!!
  • When I came off the pill it was a year before I ovulated for the first time, it can take a while for your body to get rid of the effects of the pill so I think you've just got to ride it out. For constipation I'd recommend Aloe Vera juice (taste is quite strong must admit when I first started having it was revolted by the…
  • I agree start now and decide how you're going to do it! I managed to gain 40lbs in the 'I'll start tomorrow' or 'I'll start on Monday' game.
  • I used to be exactly like that! 3 things that have stopped me. 1 Yoga - I do a small amount every night (started off with 10 mins and currently do 20), why does this help - you can't do yoga for at least 2 hours after you've eaten, you can't do the stretches properly and it's uncomfortable if you try (not to mention you've…
  • I have chocolate every weekend; I burn more calories at the weekends so burn it off, most of the rest of the time I think I eat pretty healthily.
  • I've found yoga is amazing for body-shaping. Try abdominal lifts, front and back bends. I started with 10 mins a day (I've built it up gradually to currently 20 mins a day), and although I've still got lots of weight to lose people really have noticed the difference in my bodyshape.
  • Food is a good appetite suppressor
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like to. I now have about 80 lbs to lose so in it for the long haul!
  • Try for a higher cal breakfast for a start. Nuts are great to eat for calories, protein, essential fatty acids and lots of other essential vitamins and minerals and aren't too bulky to eat. You could easily carry a small bag to snack on at any time. Bananas are great too (which I noticed you had for breakfast).
  • Fantastic! And very well done! I know you'll be in the 170s in no time!
  • Yep, and it's pure jealously on their part or insecurity they want you to be good ol' fat, unhealthy ............ because it makes them feel good and they use it as an excuse to eat unhealthily themselves. My friend at work actually told me she was worried when I didn't want to go for cake that was free in our new…
  • Well done! That's brilliant! I hope your bf bought the shirt for you!
  • I agree with CGG - take some time to do extra exercise! I go swimming both Saturday and Sunday mornings plus I have the walk to and from my local pool (a 50 min round trip) so I know I have extra cals to eat if I want them. I always have a chocolate treat on the weekend but I go to the local quality chocolate shop which…
  • I have just found this amazing site which lists a whole range of super healthy foods, what the benefits you gain from each and it also has a little grid which shows you what they are high in eg Omega 3, iron, etc etc It's been a real eyeopener for me! Hope it will help you and any others interested in tracking this sort of…
  • I'm not a vegetarian because I still eat fish but I made a decision not to eat 'meat', as per BMD says the steriods and also hormones being fed to the animals. I don't know about vegetarians all being depressed????? If you go by strict yoga belief they say that when you eat meat and fish you are ingesting the fear and pain…
  • Just forget the binges - they're done and over with and don't stress with how you should feel or how much will-power you should have, you'll get back on track just give yourself some TLC.
  • Everyone usually drops a good amount in the first few weeks especially if you have drastically changed your eating habits. I'd try to eat back most of your exercise calories and just see how it goes.
  • I've found lots of support on here and for the first time feel like I am making life changes not dieting. Add me as a friend if you would like to. Good luck! I know you can do it!
  • That's great news! You must feel so much better.
  • I swim in the mornings on the weekend and have breakfast first and find it fine but I do have a 25 minute walk to the pool before I have my swim so I don't know if that helps or not.
  • My daughter is now 22 and there are things she doesn't like, mainly certain vegetables but every now and then she gives stuff she doesn't like a go to see if she does now - your taste buds change as you get older so your taste in foods do too. Her boyfriend is a very fussy eater at home but when he eats with us he tries…
  • Yoga - almost instant body shape improvements, I do 15 minutes of very basic stretches and although still very overweight I now have a waistline (I'm naturally apple shaped), that people have commented on. I use Barbara Currie's 10 minute miracle session plus I do some shoulder neck release movements which takes it up to…
  • That's just ridiculous, it doesn't look at all like he's got a '6 pack', because of all the extra weight he's got around it.
  • Wow! That's fantastic! Well done you!