jeannetteglime Member


  • I am a personal trainer and do not have the typical ripped look as many do. I pride myself on being on being a trainer who has walked in my clients' shoes. I have lost 80 lbs, gained 20 back, lost again, struggle with binge eating disorder, and fight with my fat girl demons every day. I am a trainer because during my…
  • I am doing the 15g of sugar a day in addition to counting calories. I had never looked at sugar before - always calories - and it was very interesting to see how much food has added sugar!! I am not a fad diet person but I do enjoy trying different things out 'just to see' and although I dont see myself continuing on such…
  • Delta Gamma - Epsilon Rho Chapter - Western Michigan University - initiated 2004! Great to see all the support! Jeannette
  • sw:240 cw:165 gw: 155 I find being tall makes it difficult to look at the scale - im healthy at 165 but what I would give to see like 115 on the scale... maybe in the 4th grade.... I know its just my own mental block and insecurities but its great to see everyone's posts - i feel like less of an alien! Thanks Ladies!
  • That is fantastic profile pic! well done!:smile:
  • Weights are key in fat loss!!!!! Cardio is great for heart health, however if you want to lose fat and boost your metabolism you have to build muscle!! You may lose pounds with cardio but consider you will be losing valuable muscle as well. Look at the people on the cardio equipment at the gym = fat. Look at the people in…
  • My friends are very supportive of my lifestyle changes, however I get the most flack at my workplace. The lunchroom has become a source of anxiety as everyone always seems to have a comment about my food choices - especially when I committed to being vegan for a year (that was a looooooong year). It was almost as if they…
  • Im not sure about the southbeach diet, but ive been stuck for 3 years now and have about 20 lbs to go. I recently came across an article that suggested eating no more than 15g of sugar a day. I thought this might be worth a try as its not discounting any specific food group, just minimizing sugar, which people have no…
  • Great feeling right! I went from 240 to 160 and I remember I was leaving the grocery store and a car nearly hit me followed by the driver honking and shouting, "Move B*#&$!!!" out of her window. To most this would quite distressing, however I recall being thrilled that it wasnt "fat b$*#&" as it would have commonly been in…