15g sugar?



  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I saw this on dr Oz- Some guy saying he had a diet where you limit your sugar to 15g a day. and that honestly seems impossible to me. I ate a pear for breakfast today... it had 16g of sugar.

    Shockwave = 1500 calories to lose 1 lb a week

    Shockwave does not eat any sugar or minimal sugar and does not count calories for a month

    Shockwave eats 2500 calories every day because he does not count calories and does not know how much he is consuming and does not lose weight and in fact gains some weight in a month..

    Did not counting the sugar prevent him from having to count calories?
    Answer is NO and why is this..??

    Simply because its Calories in vs Calories out.
    Shockwave this! Shockwave that!

    BTW what do you eat 2500 calories of without getting any sugar?
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Shockwave this! Shockwave that!

    BTW what do you eat 2500 calories of without getting any sugar?

    I was making a hypothetical scenario to the OP. to debunk what she heard :wink:
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    wOOOHOOO ^^ That was my 1000th post lol
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Your body cannot tell the difference between fruit sugar or table sugar, or even brown from white sugar for that matter why because it is all sugar.. lol

    Speak for yourself! my body prefers gummy candy over fresh fruit all the time.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Your body cannot tell the difference between fruit sugar or table sugar, or even brown from white sugar for that matter why because it is all sugar.. lol

    Speak for yourself! my body prefers gummy candy over fresh fruit all the time.

    LoL I think those are called tastebuds and I agreeeeeeee :bigsmile:
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Sugars AND artificial sweeteners increase your appetite.
    I find when I limit my sugar for 2-3 weeks my cravings are greatly reduced.

    I also find if I have a diet soda I have a hard time staying under my calories.

    I HAVE A SWEET TOOTH. So I keep an eagle-eye out for hidden sugars in thing sold as "real food" like
    --flavored yogurts always have very high sugar.
    --the brand of prepared tomato sauce I was using had 9g of sugar per 1/2 cup serving. (I've found a prepared brand that has 3g and turns out when I buy plain canned tomato sauce and spice it myself it's really way tastier and not that much trouble.)
    --remember to check anything processed, because while unprocessed is better we all can't be perfect about avoiding it all the time.

    When I eat sugar I want to enjoy it fully as a treat, not have it snuck in where I don't notice it. So totally not worth it.

    As for fruits, I always used to think "sugar is sugar" I read an article a while back about the sugar in fruit is naturally packaged with fiber, which helps you process it.

    I recently scanned an article about how you body handles fructose differently from glucose. The upshot was that fructose prevented satiety messages from getting it to your brain. So you never felt full.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Sugars AND artificial sweeteners increase your appetite.
    I find when I limit my sugar for 2-3 weeks my cravings are greatly reduced.

    I also find if I have a diet soda I have a hard time staying under my calories.

    I HAVE A SWEET TOOTH. So I keep an eagle-eye out for hidden sugars in thing sold as "real food" like
    --flavored yogurts always have very high sugar.
    --the brand of prepared tomato sauce I was using had 9g of sugar per 1/2 cup serving. (I've found a prepared brand that has 3g and turns out when I buy plain canned tomato sauce and spice it myself it's really way tastier and not that much trouble.)
    --remember to check anything processed, because while unprocessed is better we all can't be perfect about avoiding it all the time.

    When I eat sugar I want to enjoy it fully as a treat, not have it snuck in where I don't notice it. So totally not worth it.

    As for fruits, I always used to think "sugar is sugar" I read an article a while back about the sugar in fruit is naturally packaged with fiber, which helps you process it.

    I recently scanned an article about how you body handles fructose differently from glucose. The upshot was that fructose prevented satiety messages from getting it to your brain. So you never felt full.

    Guess you did not even read OP topic...

    "So, i keep reading and hearing people talk about sugar intake. I keep hearing if you limit your sugar intake to less than 15g a day you will lose and not have to count calories"
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Everyone has said it already. But, yeah, it's just another fad diet. Sometimes people have reasons they need or like to reduce or limit sugar. But, there's no reason why someone without a specific condition would need to limit their sugar to 15 grams a day, everyday.

    That would be very difficult to stick with. Better to eat a sensible diet within your calorie goals and meet your macro and micro nutrient needs that you enjoy. It's worked for everyone here.
  • jeannetteglime
    jeannetteglime Posts: 10 Member
    I am doing the 15g of sugar a day in addition to counting calories. I had never looked at sugar before - always calories - and it was very interesting to see how much food has added sugar!! I am not a fad diet person but I do enjoy trying different things out 'just to see' and although I dont see myself continuing on such a strict limitation, I will definitely be more mindful of checking the sugar content in addition to calories and make food choices from there. For example, Healthy Choice steamers were dirt cheap this week so I bought enough to eat for lunch everyday and some meals had only 3g of sugar and others as much as 18g so although the calories were relatively the same, I opted for the lower sugar option. I was also SHOCKED to see how much sugar is in milk - its all almond milk for me from now on... Also, various bread brands vary greatly in their sugar content... just one more thing to monitor... Good luck everyone!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    So, i keep reading and hearing people talk about sugar intake. I keep hearing if you limit your sugar intake to less than 15g a day you will lose and not have to count calories. Im just curious as to what everyone thinks about this, and if anyone actually practices this and if its working for them. sugar is by far my downfall i crave it CONSTANTLY!!... I have this calorie counting, and measureing/proportion thing under control... but my sugar intake is over just about EVERY day... im wondering if this is responsible for my up down up down scale experience....all advice, info and opinions greatly appreciated :)

    I don't understand why you posted this in Food and Nutrition instead of Diet & Weight Loss. AFAIK it is impossible to eat a nutrient dense, balanced and varied diet with your sugars that low, it's not just fruit you would eliminate but numerous vegetables too. Added sugar is easy to limit, just eat a homecooked diet, foods that look much as they did when they came off the animal or plant.

    If you are craving sugars look at the foods you eat eating, the combinations and the quantities. Eat enough overall calories, protein and fats at every meal and snack, only the lowest glycaemic index carbs (non starchy vegetables, low sugar fruits, beans, lentils, barley) and modest servings of anything starchy. Cut or eliminate processed wheat, rice, corn, potatoes, caffeine, alcohol because these all mess with blood sugar control. Get plenty of restful sleep, your 10,000 steps every day and practice stress management.
  • CiciCanD
    Yep agreeing with other posters here, I think 15g is a bit extreme!

    I'm trying to cut refined sugar out of my diet, but there's no way I would put a specific number restriction on it because sugar occurs naturally in so many healthy things. What I'm avoiding is anything processed with "sneaky" sugar additives and of course adding sugar to any drinks etc.

    I want to eat as naturally as possible and as a result this is cutting out overly treated or processed foods, which is where most added sugar/sugar derivatives are anyway! I always found low fat stuff was really unsatisfying and never kept me full. It makes so much sense now, LOADED with sugar substitutes and chemicals. I'm by no means perfect on this approach, but it just makes much more sense to me. Different strokes for different folks!