

  • Green Smoothie: 2 cups spinach, 1 med banana, 1 Tbsp ground flaxseed,1 cup fat free milk, dash cinnamon= 210 cal. Filling, healthy & yummy! I've been using cold pressed flaxseed oil (adds another 120 cal) but I plan to try the ground flax & take a fish oil supplement for the omega-3's.
  • Tomorrow I'll try 1/4 cup almond milk and 2 Tbsp of vanilla fat free creamer. That's a good compromise! :))
  • So this morning tried 1/2 cup Almond Milk with a tsp of Vanilla extract. Yuck! So I added 1 Tbsp of regular Hazelnut liquid creamer. That was bearable. I really look forward to my 2 big mugs of coffee each day so I'll need to experiment more. I saw someone mention coconut milk - is it sweet???? I may just have to go with…
  • I have the same issue - I love Coffeemate French Vanilla or Hazelnut creamer and use about 8 Tbsp a day. I also like their Fat Free flavor creamers but we bought at Costco and they didn't have the fat free, only regular. I don't like the sugarfree ones - they leave an aftertaste. Is coconut milk or almond milk sweet?
  • I have had RA for the last 3 years. tried so many different meds but nothing really helped. doc did MRI on hands And saw that I was not inflamed in the sinovial fluid around my joints so he diagnosed me with fibromyalgia 4 months ago. I was taking Effexor which I gained 13 lbs in a month. Am tapering off and switching to…