Anybody else have lupus/fibro and trying to lose weight?

Hi my name is Amanda, I am 27 years old and 250 lbs :-(. I was wondering if anybody here has lupus or fibromyalgia. I am looking for friends on my fitnesspal that can identify with some of the difficulties that people with autoimmune diseases/chronic pain face when it comes to weight loss. I am here to offer support and listen/share experiences if you are interested please feel free to add me. Feel free to add me even if you don't have anything I'm looking for friends of all kinds! Many of the people I started this with have long disappeared. Hope to hear from you soon!:flowerforyou:


  • I have lupus :/ diagnosed in 2008. I just recently had gallbladder and esophagus surgery (3.5 weeks ago). I also have PCOS.
  • hses2esf
    hses2esf Posts: 7
    I was diagnosed with SLE in 2010, PCOS in 2009 at the same time I was diagnosed with insulin resistance that goes along with PCOS. I had my gallbladder removed in April 2009 after a year and a half worth of attacks (didn't have insurance) I also had thyroid issues that we think were associated with the lupus, because now that I am not flaring my Thyroid is functioning properly (for the time being anyway). I actually found out this past Wed, that I no longer need the Thyroid pills and that for the first time in my adult life I am not considered pre-diabetic!!!! Very exciting!! My doctors have told me not try to have kids of my own between the lupus and the PCOS they don't think my chances are good but I say :tongue: :happy:
  • I have done 4 rounds of IVF to have children. My son was born with my 2nd round and the others were a fail.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I've had fibro for years. Walking has helped me tremendously and losing weight has too. I can finally let my hubby touch the tops of my thighs without feeling like they are horribly bruised! It hasn't been that way since I was 18 years old and I'm 50 now!
    Add me as a friend and I'd be happy to support you, cheer you on! You can do this and you'll feel soo much better!
  • Bookworm_Chris
    Bookworm_Chris Posts: 26 Member
    I have had tons of health issues, and have been battling chronic pain and fatigue for the better part of a year now. I have an appointment with a rheumatologist in a few weeks to see if it could be Fibro. So far, I've found that swimming is the one thing that seems to be a good workout. It seems to boost my mood, and while it doesn't get rid of the pain, it doesn't make it worse, either. Feel free to add me if you want extra support!
  • OMG! I'm so excited to see this thread. I've been seeing a rheumatologist for 2 years for "undifferentiated connective tissue disease" and just last month got the official diagnosis of lupus. I've been having a rough time with the balance of trying to get enough exercise in while feeling like *kitten* and not overdoing it.

    My most recent flare started the day after I ran/walked a 5k. I had been doing so well with eating and exercising and then BAM! on my *kitten*. Not only did the exercising have to be dialed way back down, but I find it hard to control my eating when I feel so awful. How can I deny myself a donut when everything hurts and I'm exhausted and not sure when I'll ever feel better? And now I'm on steroids again, so I was tempted to just give up until this flare passed. But I'm not. I may not be able to exercise much, but I still try to get in a little bit each day. Sometimes just a walk around the parking garage at work is all I can do, but I do it. And I want to baby myself but I know that it is better for me, both in terms of the lupus, overall health and being skinny to eat right, so I'm trying to be good about only putting nutritious stuff on my plate. It's a constant struggle but I can do it.

    Sorry to unload but I worked so hard to make exercising part of my routine and to get fitter and to suddenly be in the position where I feel weak, achy, exhausted and get short of breath just casually walking a mile is really hard. Plus, I think the effort of pushing myself to do well on that 5K might be what triggered the flare, which just makes me feel like I won't ever be able to be really active.

    OK. Done with the "verbal" diarrhea. I'm glad you posted this. It is nice to know I'm not alone in trying to be healthy while being unhealthy. Or something like that. Thank you.
  • I have had RA for the last 3 years. tried so many different meds but nothing really helped. doc did MRI on hands And saw that I was not inflamed in the sinovial fluid around my joints so he diagnosed me with fibromyalgia 4 months ago. I was taking Effexor which I gained 13 lbs in a month. Am tapering off and switching to Cymbalta which I took for depression years ago & didn't have weight gain issues. Would like to be part of your support but don't know how to add... am new to this site.