

  • Get them non-fat, no whip on the holiday ones ... otherwise, skinny lattes are your best bet if you can't resist. My plan is to do a workout that equals the number of calories first ... then it's a trade off! Or, I've lost interest! :-)
  • I totally get where you are coming from on the love of cardio. Like you, I only did cardio. Seriously, I HATED strength training. I would run 5 miles, or do 60-90 minutes on the stairmaster, or an hour on the elliptical. I worried about the lack of cardio for P90X, too. Like I said, I had to modify for my knees and ankles,…
  • Really? Um, I love it and think it works. I'm always drenched in sweat at the end. Even though it is a cardio workout, I really feel it in my arms and legs. I think it has helped add more definition. Are you doing the 3-way kicks with one never touching the ground? That makes it harder. But, if you feel you need a more…