claudublin Member


  • sounds like way too little, if you under eat you slow down your metabolism, instead of boosting it! Just go by what MFP suggests in terms of calories, a friend of mine lost 6 st that way! MFP counts exercise into the calories you need to loose the weight you entered into the calculation.
  • PS I wonder how many calories does the average baby take in per day, or per feed, or per bottle of formula (adjusted to how much milk there would be taken from a breast feed), that should give you an idea of how many calories to add?
  • I know it's only meant to be a small amount of calories, like described above, but I found I had to eat as much as 1000 extra calories and was still losing weight, it totally depends on your metabolism, and on how much your baby drinks! I wasn't exercising, but I think I was possibly under estimating my activity levels. I…
  • whole grain toast, with mashed (or scraped, or sliced and spread on) ripe avocado, with a little sea salt grated on top. yum!
  • there's a book called 'just bento', available on amazon, it's full of lunch ideas, mostly low calorie asian but also other cuisines. i've been ogling the book for ages, must buy it before i return to work! favourite lunchtime sandwich at the moment is granary or whole grain bread, ham, boiled egg, little gem lettuce…
  • Love peanut butter! it's really healthy, as long as you don't buy the stuff that has other oils, sugar, sweeteners etc added. in ireland kelkin do a good one, and 'whole earth' is nice, too. always read the label! If you're not sure about the taste, buy the one with a bit of salt added, it's the yummiest. or try it, for a…
  • i have prana yoga pants, they often have them cheaper in tkmaxx, gorgeous material! they run very short though!
  • I'm not quite dairy free at the moment, but trying to cut down. Using MFP to try and track my calcium intake, not easy considering there are different RDAs in Europe and USA! I have to get about 12-15 hundred milligrams per day at the moment. Considering dairy free because I have eczema, holding off because I have…
  • that's exactly why I would like to see calcium, iron and vitamins noted in mg, rather than %DV. It's based on a 2000ckal diet, and most people would eat less or more, but still need a certain amount of vitamins and minerals.