

  • First weigh in 2.5lb down :bigsmile: Very happy
  • Thanks, she was very special to me and my husband. We shall miss her greatly. Onwards and upwards though, got a holiday in 7 weeks!
  • Very up and down. Got a a money back deal so I joined WW properly for three months, I used the discovery plan last time so propoints is quite confusing. Can't seem to get within my points yet, I think I like carbs too much! Calorie wise I'm doing fine though... Also had to cope with losing my beloved cat this weekend to…
  • 1) Reason you want to lose weight To look and feel better. 2) Reason you (feelings on why) you gained weight Initially through years of fertility treatment, more recently through lack of exercise due to an injured ankle. 3) Something you love abt yourself My eyes and legs 4) Something you cant wait to change The feeling of…
  • Hi All, I'm Alison I live in the UK near London. I did Weightwatchers, the original plan, a couple of years ago and went from 215lb to 154lb over 18 months or so. Managed to keep it off until recently but an injured ankle stopped me exercising for the past four months and I've managed to gain 12lb or so. So back to it…
  • So it's not looking great for me with the dodgy ankle, just had an x-ray to make sure I don't have a hairline fracture which thankfully I don't. I do however need another 2 weeks rest :grumble: So that will have been 6 weeks off bar the one and a half sessions I got in before the accident. I am not sure how I am going to…
  • I'm not making much progress :sad: Ankle is still swollen and very sore, I have no idea when I am going to get back to it fully but I am wondering if I should have a go at doing at least the upper body bits. We have weights at home so I could do things like chest press, shoulder press and some abdominal work. Thoughts?
  • I'm cursed! Managed to slip of the step doing the forward reach and twist my ankle :ohwell: Luckily I mananged to drop the dumbbells away from me as I fell! Ankle is very painful and swollen, luckily I am managing to work from home today. NOt sure how long this is going to lay me off for :grumble:
  • I can't get it on to my fingertips either! Given up trying, I got one of the gym guys to check my form and he said it was fine so I'm going with it. I did find the movement much easier with my feet more firmly planted on the floor, the barefoot shoes worked well yesterday. Otherwise maybe the weight is a little too high?…
  • I was blown off track, ended up with a migraine that dragged on all weekend :frown: So I am making a second stab at starting again today! I ended up having two weeks off rather than then one I had planned! Rcb1963 - I wish I could help, i found it really awkward too. I did find doing it bare foot helped and I have bought…
  • I hate planks too, I can't even do 90 secs mostly 2 minutes no way!! I'm off this afternoon, will report back.
  • I'm in! Just got back from holidays and will be picking it up tomorrow. Excited to see if I can do better on the push press than last time. How did you get on? :bigsmile:
  • I've finished stage 3! Just in time for my holiday. Got a full week off in the sun coming up and I feel I need it, I am decidely creaky at the moment :laugh: Results are (odd numbers as I am in the UK and we do things in kgs!): Dumbell Snatch 22 to 27 (my right arm could do more but my left is lagging behind :angry: )…
  • Ditto! Sometimes when I go it's manically busy so I stay on the machine and do the number of sets I need to. Just make sure you take the full rest period between the sets so you get the maximum benefit. Alison
  • I take my book sometimes, particularly at the beginning of a new stage. I use colour coded tabs to find the exercises :blushing: The guys at the gym find it quite amusing!
  • I do 5 mins on the Eliptical then another 5 mins of dynamic stretching. Then I do the first exercise at 50% of the weight for one set. I do a really good stretch out at the end of the workout and use the foam roller for a good 10 minutes. I've not had any injury problems so far, touch wood! Alison
  • I like workout B! I enjoy the YWTL even though I find it really tough and I also like the abs stuff though I have modified it a bit as I find the swiss ball crunch too easy. I am going to try and finish Stage 3 before my holiday in 12 days time so I will have to go every other day without fail. Then I get a nice week in…
  • BWM is a killer! I have dodgy knees and couldn't do the lunge jump at all. So I swapped that for jumping jacks so my heart rate was up and I had to restrict the jump squats to 12 :mad:
  • Thanks, I'll stick with the shorter rests. The only one I needed a long one on was the YTWL - what a killer, looks so simple and hurts like heck! I did wonder if my legs were far enough apart, I kept bumping my knee with the weight. Will try again tomorrow, thanks!
  • I found myself sitting on one bouncing away to my IPod the other day, got some strange looks from the blokes in the weight area but I was away with the fairies :laugh: I'd love to have one at home, if only we had the space, then I could play to my hearts content!
  • I kind of roll forward until my knees touch the ground, kick the ball out of the way and get up from there, seems to work OK. Previously, when me arms were a bit wobbly, I had been known to fall forward and eat the mat :blushing:
  • I too have intermittant knee pain and I hated lunges BUT my physio recommended turning the foot you are lunging onto inwards every so slightly which seems to correct the alignment over my toe. Works a treat for me, no more issues with lunges!
  • Hi girls, I just moved on to Stage 3 - yay! Done workouts one and two once and have a couple of questions. The rest periods feels way to long for me. I recover in a minute easily and I'm not sure if I should stick to the full 105 or just get on with it, it sure adds a lot of time. I work as hard as I can, usually to…
  • Hiya, I was soooo nervous the first time! I now go 3 times a week no problem so you can overcome it. What I did was go through the routine at home and practice the moves without weights so that I had the form down. Got my husband to check I was doing it OK. Then I went with my book and my IPod and just dived straight in.…
  • Wowsers! I'm having a tough week this week and this has given me the little boost I needed. Thanks for sharing Alison
  • Hiya - not sure if you knew but you can get a Fitbit from Ideal World on flexipay so you pay half one month and half the next. That's how I got mine and I'm delighted with it. Alison
  • Thanks for all the support, much appreciated. I can't always post as I am often reading at work :blushing: but I come here every day to keep myself on track. Alison
  • Thanks guys - I wanted to share as I struggled big time with the whole concept which is why I chose not to weigh or measure for the whole time. But it does work so stick with it :wink:
  • So I don't have to reach that far down I put some blocks from the reebok step on the floor (I use 3 on each side, so about 6 inches) that raises the bar off the floor to what my trainer told me was a safe height. As they are hollow inside the plates rest inside the block which stops them rolling about. I hope that kind of…