s_rouse11 Member


  • Take a few hours (Sunday night, or whatever works) to precook meals and freeze them/put them in tupperware containers. I might cook 8 chicken breast, steam a few cups of baby carrots/ 2 heads of broccoli, precook brown rice or quinoa. When it's already cooked and separated, it's easy to grab your dinner to take with you…
  • All calories are equal? Are you kidding me? Have you ever heard of eating clean? The calories of eggs, spinach and a whole wheat wrap will do drastically different things to your body then the calories of a donut. Try a day of "clean" food (chicken breast, lean meats, eggs, fruit, veggies, whole wheat bread. no junk), and…
  • I absolutely want to get food in you, but I don't agree with some posts about pizza, heavy carbs etc. Protein! Should have some protein at every meal to kick start the metabolism and keep you lean. Check out the link I posted below, it has lots of breakfast ideas for muffins, pancakes etc (there are also aggs, oatmeal, can…
  • As for today specifically, get some fruits, veggies and water in there!:smile:
  • As mentioned above, you might watch your calories, but they aren't "clean" calories, too much pre-packaged and processed. You should be having a protein and vegetable for every meal, starting with breakfast. Try a whole wheat wrap with 5 egg whites, spinach and feta. Very clean, and you'll be full. Should also try eating…
  • Definitely aren't getting enough protein. Try eating 2-3 snacks per day (between breakfast/lunch, and lunch/dinner). Typically you want to eat every 3 hours to keep your metabolism functioning at it's highest. Try snacks like greek yogurt (very high in protein, low in fat), almonds, hard boiled eggs, skinless chicken…