nchertok Member


  • Awesome! Just went to the gym in forever but felt so proud!
  • I am also looking for motivational friends! 30lbs to loose... Hoping this summer will be productive ! Also a mother of a 8 year old! Let's share ideas!
  • I had the same thing happen to me the first week. It goes away on its own after about 1-2 weeks. Stay motivated. Portion control your meals... Take the size you usually would think you need and put 1/3 of it back. Drink lots of water and have little healthy snacks around that are "guilt fee" such as jello (low cal version)…
  • Hey friend me! Know what you are going through. My husband has 2 gorgeous and thin sisters and then there is me.. I think I was somehow skinny before I had a kid but now I am not so happy with my body. Definitely time to get in shape...summer is upon us!:glasses:
  • I am new at this too! I have baby weight that has gotta gotta go! Add me and we can try motivating each other !
  • Yeah bikini season! I haven't had one of those since I about 5 years ago before I was pregnant. Being of small height, the weight does show so I would like to get it off and keep it off and hopefully go on a nice vacation this summer and showdown of my results to my husband! need help in stating motivated though so I hope…