

  • wow...19 lbs since January? awesome. and sincere congratulations. In my younger years, I was skinny and could eat two bowls of ice cream and nothing would happen. Soooo different now after menopause. I celebrate your progress. I celebrate your process with being healthy. You are so much further along than you know...
  • Can I jump in too? I'm just starting again. I had some weight loss with WeightWatchers a couple of years ago, hit a plateau, hit some hard bumps in life (including menopause) and gained it all back. I'm back using MFP with no idea how to do this with support. I've been reading some topics, learning a bit more about how to…
  • Thank you! I think I will print this and tape it to my wall as a reminder. I appreciate your words about the scale and body measurements. I recently started weight training again and can tell I am building muscle ... and even though I can see the diff in my body the scale numbers move oh so slowly. And thanks for the juice…