

  • Yea really lol. I read a study recently in the Psychology Journal that stated, long story short, that 75% of men would accept a sexual encounter if a woman walked up to him and asked point blank, but only 40% of men would simply go out on a date with them. True story.
    in Booty call? Comment by cdtoms May 2012
  • Since your new to weight training your body will not need the amount of volume to gain results that others do. Start by doing one exercise per body part every other day. 3 sets of 15 will be plenty. After 2-3 weeks you can move to a more "normal" body part split. The best two programs are chest, shoulders, and triceps one…
  • Your body really only needs about 24 hours after a weight training session to recover. The reason behind this is the nervous is severely affected/weekend when you fatigue or atrophy your muscles completely. If you keep pounding your nervous system, like some people do, with 5 days a week in a row of strength training it…
  • If your going to do no or low carb diets, it is better to alternate days or meals. For instance you can do Mon, Wed, and Fri no carbs and carbs on the other days. Or you can do carbs every other meal of the day and no carbs on your other meals. You should always avoid heavy carbs for dinner no matter what kind of day it is…
  • If your stuck inside, one of the best ways to burn extra calories is to dance! Dance as you clean, dance as your cook, or even dance for no reason. Dancing around will also improve your mood and coordination. Singing, if you dare, also burns a lot of calories. Good Luck!
  • Squat, lunge, and leg press type exercises are of course something you should never stop doing. However, if you want to target your inner thigh more a little more side lying inner leg raises are good and pilates ring or ball squeezes are good. Hold the ball or ring squeezes for 5 seconds and release slowly. Never let the…