

  • Always wondered about the Alcohol bit, especially as the sugar has gone and turned into the Alcohol. Oh well, back to water the rest of the day! :sad:
  • Hi ya, I hope you get things sorted? I have all the symptoms of an under-active Thyroid and have had a couple of blood tests at my Doctors which didn't show anything up. I started taking Kelp supplements which have a high Iodine content and my weight is shifting, quite quickly. Can't say for definate it's them helping but…
  • Aim to be a BMI of 25 whatever that works out to be in KGS etc. Then even if you're big boned like me, its a realistic target.
  • Hi ya, thanks for wanting to be my friend. It's nice to have support from other people in my / similar situation and I will encourage you too as I learn more. Good luck and keep in touch!